Chapter 1

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Three months have passed since chaos in the Human and Digital World. Everything has been restored to its original self. All the Digimon that were deleted by Kurata were back to life again. The Digimon began to get more intelligent and stronger, but the Royal Knights made sure that they are still the protectors. Their home was in a massive cave and people from the Human World gave them equipment to make their cave more homely. All together there were 13 Royal Knights.

• Alphamon -
• Omnimon.
• Craniamon.
• Gallantmon.
• Magnamon.
• LordKnightmon / Crusadermon.
• Dynasmon.
• Ulforce V-dramon.
• Jesmon.
• Examon.
• Gankoomon.
• Kentaurosmon.
• Leopardmon.

They are all the protectors of the Digital World.


The leader, Alphamon was sleeping on the soft mattress with a blanket over him. In the the palm of his hand was another. Omnimon has been with him since he sacrificed himself in order to save the Digital World from the brand new chaos.

None of the DATS team have met all of the Royal Knights, but they have heard of them from great legends.

Alphamon woke up to feel neutral heat in his hand. He turned his head ever so slightly to make eye contact with Omnimon who had a very worried expression on his face. Alphamon smiled under his helmet head and placed a weak hand on Omnimon's cheek as they layed forhead showing a sign of some love.

"Alphamon! Alphamon!" Craniamon ran in with complete joy and made Omnimon move backwards.

"What?" Alphamon asked and he sat up groaning slightly.

"Your baby is still alive! She survived against Daemon!" Craniamon panted and sat down in the wooden chair they was placed near Alphamon's computer.

"That's good. May I see her?" He asked as Omnimon whined and looked down and Craniamon just looked away and Alphamon heard him mumble something. "I'm sorry. What did you say?" Alphamon was growling now.

"Your baby is under Gallantmon's care and you are in no condition to be walking around." Craniamon sighed as Alphamon took the covers off his body and gasped at his leg. It was covered in white bandages and his armour near his thigh is cracked.

Omnimon whimpered and stood up and left the room upset. Craniamon followed Omnimon and saw him outside of the house looking at down at the lake.

"Omnimon I-" Omnimon got his sword out and slashed Craniamon with it making him move back slightly with a small cut in his chest armour. "Omnimon! What's wrong!?" Craniamon got out his spear and got ready to battle his friend.

"I hate you! It's your fault that this happened to him!" Omnimon stood up with red glowing eyes looking at Craniamon deadly. His Garuru cannon popped up and aimed it at Craniamon. "Supreme Cannon!" A purple blast fired but what pushed away by a green force of fire. "What!?" Omnimon growled and put his hands down.

Who stood in front of them limply was none other than... Alphamon.

"Alphamon!" Omnimon gasped and fe to his knees as his eyes turned back to a ocean blue. He began to cry.

Craniamon felt on his backside and panted as Alphamon helped his purple friend up.

"How can you stand with that leg?"

"I am standing on my right leg really because I am not putting a lot of weighr on my injured leg." Alphamon spoke and looked at Omnimon. "And as for you! Go to your room and think about what you have done!" Alphamon yelled at Omnimon.

"B-B-But..." Omnimon looked up at Alphamon.

"Now!!" Alphamon roared out as Omnimon ran back inside their home.


Gallantmon was holding Tokomon like a baby with his one arm and smiled.

"Such a cute littlt thing." He calmly spoke.

"D-Dada!" Tokomon laughed and nibbled his arm.

"I'm not your dada young one. I don't know who you dada is... well Alphamon since he is a boy, but you call him momma." Gallantmon layed Tokomon on the blanket as he heard a door slam shut. "I wonder what that was about."

Tokomon whinced and curled in thr blanket.

"I... hungry." Tokomon looked up at her 'dad'. Gallantmon then stood up and left the room to get some milk, but they were out.

"Oh no..." Gallantmon went to find Alphamon who was in his room resting some more. He entered the room. "Alphamon, sir. Your baby wants milk, but we have none left."

"Uhm... Call Examon to get milk along with all the other food, and you bring Tokomon to me please." Alphamon ordered calmly and closed his eyes.

Gallantmon nodded and walked out of the room to get Tokomon. Once he did that, he entered Alphamon's room again and handed Tokomon out to him.

Alphamon sat up and smiled down to his adopted child by Wargreymon X.

"Momma!" Tokomon jumped into Alphamon's hands and giggled happily. Alphamon smiled and used his free hand pet her small, fragile, pink head. This made her smile and relax. "Imma hungry momma." Tokomon looked up at him and he sighed.

"My friends are going to get you more milk soon, baby." Alphamon smiled and layed down placing Tokomon on his black armoured chest.

Tokomon whined and nodded curling up and fell asleep because she hasn't got anything to do.


Examon and Leopardmon travelled the area looking for a Digimon who sells some liquids that included milk. It wasn't the best of doing shopping as a Royal Knight as they're basically the kings/queens of the Digital World other than the protectors.

They found a small shop that Leopardmon was able to fit in.

"Uhm... I am too big Leopardmon. You'll have to get the milk if they have any." Examon grummbled to his lion looking friend and he only nodded in response.

He entered the shop that was owned by a blue helmeted Ravemon. They looked at eachother and smiled. However, Leopardmon's mouth was covered but everyone was able to tell when he smiles.

Leopardmon walked to Ravemon and began to speak.

"Excuse me sir? Do you happen to sell milk here?" Leopardmon tried to act casual and Examon slapped his head from the outside thinking how stupid his friend is.

"Of course I do sir! I sell nearly all liquids." Ravemon picked up a blue, red and green lidded bottles of milk that was 3 litres each. "Which one sir?"

"Uhm... I am not sure. Hang on... Examon! What milk do we need!?"

"The red and blue one!" Examon roared quietly, but loud enough for Leopardmon to hear.

"Red and blue please." Leopardmon got out some digi-money. "How much is this?"

"It is 2 digi-pound and 50 digi-cents please." Ravemon spoke before putting the green milk back in the fridge. Leopardmon got out the amount of money that was needes and paid Ravemon and put all of the milk into a bag to carry home.

"Thank you!" Leopardmon smiled and left.

"Your welcome! Have a nice day!" Ravemon waved slightly and startes to put the money into the till. "Damn... this job is so cool."


"So you got the milk?" Examon flew next to Leopardmon who was also flying.

"Yes I did. 2.50 isn't bad, is it?" Leopardmon asked as Examon shook his head meaning that 'it isn't bad at all'.


Omnimon was in his bedroom crying his guts out. It was an accident on what he done. Something had to be controlling him... but... what was it?

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