None of Us Prepared

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Sorry for the delay my lovelies. Let's see how this chapter goes, I'm kind of skeptical about it. Hope you enjoy!!!

Andy got home, seeing his son on the couch doing his homework. A sudden concern came to his head, he needed to talk to his son first. Andy knew that confronting Marivi was not going to end pretty. He wanted Andrés to be prepared for whatever happened. Andy left his suitcases near the door and approached his son.

"Hey bones" Andy said sitting beside him, hearing his nickname got the boy's attention

"Hey, you're home" Andrés hugged his dad "Mom is on the terrace, doing who knows what. She's been a bit weird since getting back from Croatia" he said

This got Andy a bit worried "has she said something?"

"Not exactly, she just complains about you" the boy said "Are you two ok? You have been off for some time" Andy raised his eyebrows "dad, I'm 16 not 6 and I'm not stupid"

Andy chuckled ruffling his son's hair "I know bones, listen, it's true that your mom and I haven't been ok. It's got nothing to do with you and I want you to know that I love you, we both do. No matter what happens, I'm gonna be always by your side whenever you need me. The same with your sisters, never forget that"

"I know"

"Go upstairs and finish your homework while I talk to your mom. Do me a favor and call your sisters to tell them what's going on. This talk might not end well but I don't want any of you to get the wrong idea" Andy told him so Andrés stood up and went to do as told.

Andy found Marivi reading a book on the big chair of their terrace "I'm home"

"I see that, I was about to start dinner" Marivi said without taking her eyes off the book

Andy walked in front of her, arms crossed "We need to talk" his serious voice didn't go unnoticed

Marivi closed the book to look at him "What about?" She said innocently

"Andrés says that you have been complaining about me" he said

"Oh really?" Andy noticed the sarcasm in her voice

"Marivi come on, don't play dumb" He said getting annoyed

"Well what the hell am I suppose to do? You are impossible to talk to nowadays. You don't make or return calls anymore. It's like I don't even exist" Marivi yelled

"You know we haven't been the same happy marriage for months and you know I have been working" Andy fought back

"The hell with work. I have tried to reach for you, to talk things through. I even flew with you to one of the most romantic destinations. You didn't even made the effort, you didn't even touch me" Marivi yelled louder

"I told you not to go, I told you I would be working but as usual, you never listen" Andy started pacing desperately

"That's bullshit, you are always making an excuse lately. At least I make an effort and try to save our marriage. What's your new excuse?" Marivi spatted

Andy stopped to look at her straight in the eyes "Maybe I'm sick and tired of trying, alright" he yelled

Marivi froze, she was about to cry "Tell it to me straight Andy, is there someone else? That's why you're making this decision now" Andy's face went pale, his eyes widened. Taking a step back he looked away, that was enough of an answer for Marivi "There is" she said saddened "I don't even want to know who it is. Wasn't I worth fighting for?" She whispers

Andy sighed, rubbing his face in frustration "You were once, but things happen and feelings change" he said

"Do you love her?" Marivi asked

"Yes" Andy answered without hesitation, still not looking at her. He couldn't lie to her, Andy loved Cher even if Marivi didn't want specific information. It was better this way after all"

At that point Marivi was full on crying in anger "You're a bastard, you already got your suitcases so get out of my house" she demanded

Andy looked at her alerted "What about Andrés? The girls?"

Marivi sighed "They're grown women, they are allowed to make their own judgement. As for Andrés, stay away from him until I say so. I don't want to set your mistake over my son"

Andy frowned "Our son!!! You are being unreasonable, I have the right to see him. You can't keep him from me, he is not a little boy anymore. You can't do this" he exclaimed

"He is still under aged and living under my roof. For the legal stuff you can start arranging lawyers. As of tomorrow, I'm going to start arranging mine" She spatted "Now get out!!!"

Andy left the house really angry at Marivi for doing this but he didn't have any choice. He wondered what his girls reactions would be. At the moment, Andy had many emotions. If this got out to the public, it would be a disaster. He wanted to call Cher but knew it was a bad idea. Andy called the only one who he could lean on. It was cheaper than paying for a hotel and he didn't want to be alone. On the plus side, he'd be closer to Cher without drawing suspicions.

"Hey Pierce, I know it probably isn't a good time but I need a place to stay" Andy said once the call was answered

"You left Marivi already?" Pierce asked surprised

"Yes, it's an hour drive from here to your place but-"

"Don't worry, Keeley left as well so I have room. She took Paris even if he wanted to stay" Pierce said sadly

"Looks like we both are in the same boat buddy, I'm sorry to hear about Paris" Andy joked

Pierce laughed slightly "We sure are, it's alright, although I know a place to stay is not the only reason you want to come over" he teased

Andy chuckled "Perhaps"

"It's dangerous you wanting to see my neighbor right now, you know that" Pierce warned

"I know, calm down" Andy sighed "I just want to know I'm close to her"

"Alright, come on over" Pierce said, so Andy got in the car to make his way to Pierce.

Malibu, California

Cher had just gotten home and was received by her mother, sister, best friend and both her boys. She was still bummed about being away from Andy but seeing her family made her happy "Wow I like this welcome party"

"How was your trip honey?" Georgia asked

"It was ok" Cher shrugged

"Ok? It looks like it was amazing, look at all this stuff. You sure did buy a lot of stuff" Chaz teased while he and Elijah helped Jen bring in all their mother's stuff. Cher laughed

"And look at this gorgeous ring, it must have cost a lot" Paulette said holding her hand, looking at the ring

"Guess where I got it" Cher whispered close to her so no one could hear

Paulette's jaw dropped as she realized "No way, Andy?" she whispered back, Cher nodded biting her lip and smiling. An evident sparkle in her eyes showing.

"How was filming and the cast?" Georganne asked

"Everything was awesome and everyone was amazing" Cher said sounding a little nostalgic, she had only her moments with Andy on her mind.

"Everyone?" Georgia asked in a weird tone but no one caught it

"Yes, it was one of the best times of my life" Cher said honestly then quickly added "I'm gonna go unpack this and freshen up, help me Pauly please" they each grabbed a suitcase and walked off

"Tell me everything" Pauly whispered on the way

"You have no idea what I've been through" Cher said giggling

Cher had a wonderful time with her family. She still missed Andy but he was way to far. Cher couldn't help but wonder what had happened when he got home. If only she knew, Andy was about to be minutes away from her.

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There Was Something in the Air- ChandyWhere stories live. Discover now