The Roar of Guns and Cannons

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This chapter won't have a lot of happy moments I'm afraid. Sorry for this but enjoy the drama!!!

The entire cast and crew made it safely to Croatia. This time, they were all staying at the same hotel. Some were sharing rooms since it was a lot cheaper. Luckily, Cher and Meryl had there own rooms as well as Ol, Judy, Alexander and 2 others. Cher was really excited to be there, she couldn't wait to spend that week with Andy. Pauly wasn't with her that week but she had Meryl's company. Unknown to her, Andy also had brought company.

The first day of shooting was on the set outside the chapel. Then rehearsal of the song "My love, My life". They were all eager to start. Most of the cast was already there but Cher had to give Meryl a lift because of car trouble. Christine and Julie both tried their best to hide their faces of disbelief when they saw Andy walk into the set with his wife. Pierce was so surprised and gave Andy a look when the couple greeted them. Marivi  was excited to be there and meet everyone. Andy saw the knowing look Pierce gave him but he couldn't do anything. Marivi met every one of the cast, she was very polite but not letting go of Andy. Christine and Julie greeted her but didn't stay long. Meryl had texted her friends that she was with Cher on her way.

"When you get here, go with Cher instantly to her trailer and let us know. We have a code red on our hands" Christine texted Meryl

"Code red? Since when do we use codes? What are you, 12 years old?" Meryl replied

"Meryl, I'm serious. Andy's wife is here with him. You can't let Cher see them, not yet" Christine texted back.

Meryl sat up almost instantly, shocked by the message. She couldn't believe it, Cher saw her alerted friend "Are you ok Meryl?" She asked

"Yes, I'm fine" Meryl said, she texted Christine back "Got it, we will be there in 10 minutes"

Marivi was too immersed in a conversation with Amanda, Lily, Jessica and Alexa. She didn't notice Pierce pulling Andy aside to talk in private.

"I don't need to tell you how insane you are, do I?" Pierce told Andy

"Don't give me that shit man" Andy said irritated

"It's your funeral, Andy" Pierce paused to think for a moment "I'm getting this feeling of deja vu, thankfully Keeley isn't with me this time" Andy raised his eyebrows at him as if he was slightly surprised. He knew "Don't ask" Pierce said. Andy chuckled and they went back to the others.

At the other end, Christine and Julie were getting their makeup ready. Meryl texted them to let them know they were gonna be in Cher's trailer leaving her things. The two women were gonna keep a look out for them. As soon as Cher put her things down, she was about to go out the door but Meryl stood in the way.

"Wait a second, I want to talk to you about something. It's about Pierce" Meryl said pulling her to the couch

"Mary Louise what did you do?" Cher asked

"Nothing!!!" Meryl exclaimed "You know I had to stay in London the three days off to record my song. Well he tried to get in touch with me in the days"

"Oh my gosh Meryl!!! You didn't?" Cher said

"I didn't!!! I ignored him... but I wanted to and that is what kills me" Meryl said biting her lip, Cher sighed "I don't know what to do"

"Do you still have feelings for him?" Cher asked

"I don't know, maybe" Meryl mumbled "But we are both still married and I don't want anyone to get hurt"

Cher took her friends hand "You know I understand you better than anyone in this. All I can say is the same thing you said to me, follow your heart"

"Thanks Cher" Meryl said and they hugged

Cher stood up, opened the door and Meryl quickly followed trying to catch up with her "We better get to the set, Ol or Judy might be wondering where we are" she said getting out.

"Uh I don't think they are, your scenes are not today" Meryl said trying to stop her from walking but failed

"But yours are so come on. Besides, I want to see Andy, I miss him" Cher said walking. Before they could reach the set, Christine and Julie appeared in front of them.

"There you are, we were wondering what took you so long. It must have been something juicy" Julie said

"It was, want to know?" Meryl said

"Tell us everything" Christine said eagerly

"Girls we don't have time for this, we have to go" Cher said

"Relax Cher, they will wait for you. Here have a glass of water" Christine said handing her the crystal glass

Cher took it but sensed something "You might want to hear this but I want to go see Andy, excuse me" she said and walked away. Meryl Christine and Julie looked at each other with worry before going after her.

Cher walked to the set and immediately scanned for Andy. The sight she found horrified her, her world came crashing down. Andy had his wife embraced in a side hug. She was clutching to him while talking to Stellan, Colin, Amanda and Lily. A sudden wave of reality hit her. Cher let the glass of water drop in shock causing it shatter on the floor. The sound made everyone around look to the sound.

"Oh my God that's Cher" Marivi said, Andy saw the hurt in her face and it broke him.

Cher felt like fainting, she took a few steps back from the shattered glass but Meryl held her from behind. Everyone was concerned, they didn't know what had happened.

"Sorry everyone, it was an accident the glass slipped" Julie said so no one would worry.

"I think I'm gonna be sick" Cher whispered to Meryl, she was pale and shaking. Her legs could barely function, Cher was leaning on Meryl at that point.

"Let's me get you to the bathroom" Meryl said

"We'll handle Judy and Ol... and Andy" Christine said

"Take me back to my trailer instead" Cher said, Meryl nodded and they went off.

Christine and Julie went to the concerned faces of Amanda, Lily, Pierce, Alexa, Jessica, Andy and Marivi

"Is she alright?" Marivi asked showing concern

"Yes, she just felt a little lightheaded, Christine saying then without being noticed she looked at Andy who had guilt al over his face.

The moment Meryl and Cher entered the trailer, Cher broke down crying on the sofa. All her plans with Andy in Croatia disappeared the moment she saw Marivi. Seeing her so close to Andy made Cher think she was never going to be the woman he wanted in her life. How could he not tell her that his wife was going to be with him. They had been secretly texting but he didn't mention it. Cher thought Andy was serious about divorcing his wife but judging by her presence, she was wrong. Cher's broken heart was almost unbearable. Meryl sat next to Cher, she reached out to her friend. Cher without hesitation threw herself into Meryl's embrace and cried. She felt broken but was glad that she wasn't alone. Meryl caressed her hair to comfort her.

"I'm so stupid Meryl" Cher cried

"Shhh don't say that, you're in love that's all" Meryl said softly as she continued to comfort and support her friend while she cried

Andy was feeling incredibly bad and guilty. She wanted to go after Cher but he couldn't. A million thoughts ran into his mind. He wanted to talk to Cher and tell her he loved her. Andy didn't know what to do in that moment with those two women. He wanted to make things right. What felt right was that he loved Cher. Andy just didn't know how to handle the situation at the moment. Everything was a mess right now but Cher didn't want anything to do with Andy at the moment.

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