chapter 1 ✦ abandoned and broken

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I was eight years old when my father abandoned me....

"Papa!" I yelled into the empty air of the ocean that surrounded me on all sides. I swirled my head in all directions. Where is he? He promised he'd come and get me after the storm. I rushed over to the side of the rowboat, staring down at the crystal blue water. I squinted my eyes at my complexion, brushing my black hair behind my ear which revealed my green eyes. I got them from my mother. My mum. I wish she was here. Tears pricked in the corners of my eyes just from thinking about her. I wiped them, hitting my reflection in the water. I fell onto the bottom of the boat, hugging my legs and closing my eyes. I felt around for my stuffed monkey, bringing it to my chest and tucking it under my arm. He'll find me. My Papa will come for me. Suddenly, I heard a crow call out in the distance. I peeled open my eyes and gazed up at the sky. Three crows were flying around my boat, glaring viciously at me. I shot up from my spot with the cold brisk air hitting my pale skin. I rushed to the side of the boat, seeing sand. Sand! I swung my feet over the side, placing my feet in the shallow and sandy sea water. I could imagine my father's first mate yelling 'LAND HO.' I went to the butt of the boat, pushing it closer to shore. I finally pushed it onto the sand, going to the front and laying down on the beach.

"Finally." My eight year old voice squeaked as my chest rose up and down. I gasped at the sound of a splash in the water. I got up to see a woman in the water. She just sat there, staring at me. She had shiny red hair and wore a purple top. "Hello." I breathed out, trying not to scare her.

"Who are you?" She asked, backing away.

"I'm Riley." I said, hesitantly. "And you?"

"Ariel." She revealed as she approached me from the water. Something flew up behind her and went back into the water. She has a tail. It was green and it's scales shined.

"You're a-a mermaid." I stuttered out, becoming scared from the warnings I've been given in the past. A smile appeared on Ariel's face but, disappeared in realization.

"Do you know where you are?" She asked. I looked behind my shoulder, seeing the beauty the island was showing me. I turned back to her and shaking my head. Her eyes glaze over in sadness. "You're in Neverland."

"Neverland." I said in awe, grinning. "That sounds wondrous."

"But, it isn't. It has evil endure within it's walls." She wisely spoke. Her eyes widened, unexpectedly.

"What's wron-" A big wave interrupted me and she disappeared.

"Welcome." A young voice echoed. I whipped around very cautiously, backing away from him.

"Who are you?" I quietly said.

"You don't know?" He scoffed, chuckling. I shook my head, scrunching my eyebrows together. He sighed, crossing his arms. "Peter Pan."

"What a strange name. Well, it's a nice name, I guess." I shrugged. He started to advance over to me, holding out his hand.

"Come with me, Riley." He grabbed my hand, smiling, sweetly at me. I pulled my hand from him and put it behind my back, falling down onto the sand.

"How do you know my-" I was cut off by a female voice interjecting from the tree line.

"Get away from her!" A lady with blonde hair and green rags for clothes ran out of the forest and grabbed my hand. I pulled away from her too, going towards my boat and hiding in it. I gripped my monkey in my little hand as I watched them bicker.

"Hello Tink." Peter stuffed his hands in his pocket, smirking.

"Stay away from her. If you ever touch her or even come near her, I will kill you." She threatened with her teeth gritted. Peter just grinned as she went past him and up to me. She knelt down next to the boat I was hiding in. "I'm not gonna hurt you." She promised. I searched her eyes and she held out her hand. I looked down at her palm, staring at it. I reached out and touched it. She seemed trustworthy. I placed my hand into hers. She pulled me out of the boat, pulling me into the forest.

"You've won this round but, I'll be back for others." Peter spoke, laughing after. I swallow my nervousness and he disappeared. I looked up at the lady with confusion.

"Why don't you two like each other?" I asked her.

"He's a bloody demon. You will never have to worry about him." She rubbed my back, comforting me.

"What's your name?" I questioned again.

"Tinkerbell." She smiled at me.

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