Finale ( The End)

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Taurus was sitting on the ground with his head in his hands. While he was sulking everyone else was looking for anything.

"Taurus, come on sitting there and whining isn't going to help us out." Sagittarius crouched in front of him.

"It's hopeless, everything is hopeless. What's the point? So many of us died. Who's to say that the people out there are even alive?" Taurus sniffled.

Sagittarius gave him a pat on the back, letting him cry it out.

"How are you holding up?" Scorpio put a hand on Gemini's shoulder.

"I'm still together somehow." Gemini let out a low chuckle.

"You know...I may never get a chance to say this but." Scorpio paused looking in her dark eyes.

"I catch you eyeing me in the hospital every time I pass by." He flashed a pearly smile.

"W-what? Now is not the time to mention that!" Gemini cleared her throat and lightly hit his shoulder.

Scorpio held in his laugh and opened another box. His hand touched something metal.

"Is this what I think it is?" He pulled the item out.

"Yes! A crowbar!" Gemini squealed then hugging him tightly.

"Did someone say crowbar?" Taurus gasped and stood up, Sagittarius's hand was still around him.

"Yeah it's great but what's going on here?" Scorpio raised an eyebrow, realizing how close they were.

"What do mean? He was crying! I was giving him some emotional support." Sagittarius coughed and avoided his gaze.

"Never mind that! Open the god damn door!" Taurus scoffed.

"Right." Scorpio ran up the stairs and wedged the crowbar between the door and doorframe.

"Ready?" Scorpio exhaled, he felt Gemini's hand on his arm.

He begin to pull with all his strength. The door creaked in response, still holding its place.

"Sagittarius you do it. You seem more bulky." Taurus shoved him.

Scorpio moved out of the way and allowed him to grip the crowbar.

"Ya I workout." Sagittarius smirked and pulled backwards, forcing all his weight in the opposite direction.

The door flew open and light filtered in. Dust flew everywhere, making everyone gasp and sputter.

"I broke it." Sagittarius blinked.

"He's got enough money to fix it." Taurus pushed past him.

They felt like moles that were exposed to the light for the first time. Taurus squinted and looked around.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!" He yelled and pointed at the floor.

He was pointing at Pisces's severed head, the pool of blood around it now dry.

"I thought she died!" Sagittarius gulped.

"Guys?!" Leo burst through the door and looked at them.

"You're still alive!" Taurus ran and gave him a grateful hug.

"What happened to your arm?" Scorpio immediately noticed.

"It's completely fine now." Leo waved his arm around.

"That's impossible. You dislocated it; it can't heal that fast." Scorpio held his arm and moved it around.

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