A Hint Of Crazy

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"Are you scared?" Sagittarius asked Virgo.

"Who wouldn't be?" She answered.

"There should be a way out right?" Sagittarius gulped.

"There's always a vulnerability. We just have to find it." Virgo had a determined look in her eyes.

Sagittarius admired her confidence and ability to handle the situation well. Her curly locks bounced as she walked in front of him and her pale pink dress suddenly began to stand out against the dark red wood surrounding them.

"So you're German?" Virgo asked.

"Yes I am. I'm full German." He said proudly.

"Teach me something!" Virgo said excitedly while searching for clues.

"Oh um sure." Sagittarius shrugged.

"Sorry, just need to distract myself." Virgo sighed.

"das arschloch darf selber ficken gehen." He said quickly.

Virgo repeated it slowly until it rolled off her tongue easily.

"What does it mean?" She asked.

"Uhh...it just means that I'm from Germany." Sagittarius lied, not wanting to say the curse words out loud.

"Oh? Cool!" Virgo smiled, a set of deep dimples revealed themselves.

Virgo stopped in front of a painting. It was a Victorian woman who was staring directly into your soul with lifeless eyes and powder pale skin.

"I've seen enough mystery movies to know that the clues won't be in plain sight." She stared carefully at the painting.

"Damn, that's creepy." Sagittarius shivered.

Virgo scanned the painting and then finally saw something. In the bottom right corner there was a single number.

"A one?" Virgo squinted to make sure she was seeing correctly.

"Whoa! That is the number one." Sagittarius gasped.

"I wonder what it means though..." Virgo furrowed her eyebrows.

When she turned Virgo didn't realized that Sagittarius was directly behind her so she bumped into him.

"S-sorry." She immediately began to blush.

"No it's my fault." He laughed and moved aside.

"Look, another painting." Virgo pointed.

"Is that a nine?" Sagittarius stared at the corner.

"It is!" Virgo gasped.

"Oh shit, we're onto something!" He smiled.

"I hope so." Virgo's heart pounded.

Virgo checked the ticking clock and saw that it was time to head back as it was almost time for the hour to end.

"Let's go." She cleared her throat.
Capricorn scooted next to Cancer and intertwined his hand with her's. Cancer's stomach twisted as his hand tightened. She felt like throwing up and her vision threatened to go fuzzy but she didn't say a word.

"Aw look at you cuties." Aquarius smiled and sat on the floor.

"AH! Look at the time!" Ophiuchus announced.

At this point everyone was used to his voice and wasn't even surprised when he yelled as loud as possible into the speaker. 

"Let's make this quick. You all are lasting too long." He sighed and pushed the button.

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