Chapter Two

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Liam is laying on a park bench staring intensely at the morning sky, the breeze is giving him chills on his weak skin and the little bit of clothing he has on is really not giving much warmth to Liam whatsoever. He doesn’t know why or when it started but he realizes soon after that he is crying, large heavy fat tears soaking and flooding down his face by the gallon, and he’d always told himself not to cry because he was the better person but now is different, Liam needs to cry and he tells himself ‘it’s okay to cry.’ because it is, and his mother use to tell him the same when he was little and came home from school after being bullied and he guessed that might of been one of the reasons why he was against crying so much now.


Liam hates mornings, and he has a feeling it has something to do with the weather he wakes up to and how cold he always is, and it make him think back to the many times he’d been lying in front of a fireplace wrapped up in a blanket, he wishes his mother was still alive and he could still have a place to gladly call his home.


He knows his father is out of prison now and is living in America, married happily with two children and Liam wonders does he ever cross his father’s brutal mind, then he thinks that maybe his dad had changed, but then he remembers he still made no effort to come back and try and patch things back up with his family.


As Liam’s mind wanders and whirls he hears the cry and yell of a girl off in the distance, he guesses it a fight between her and her mother, he purses his dry lips and listen closely as he hears the words he takes to heart the most, it makes him cry a little bit harder and curl in on himself when she yells ‘I wish I never had to come back, this isn’t my home!’ and he wants to scream back telling her everything she needs to know about being on the streets without a home because common sense would be great right about now. He hears the screech of car tires and a travel of curse words before the morning is peaceful again. He wipes the tears from under his eyes and off his chin with the back of his sleeve before leaning back to watch the swing set in the breeze and when he hears the birds chirp, he knows the day has started.


He starts his day off as per usual, gathering random but still interesting items and goods before he shuffled into the familiar home that caters for the less fortunate. He pulls out the wooden seat and places himself down, staring at the empty tray on the table in front of him as they all wait for the ladies to do their rounds.


Liam is given eggs and bacon for a special breakfast, they get it every time they celebrate somebody’s birthday, it isn’t common, but Liam is grateful they get given something like this on special occasions. He gets a feeling of love for a moment as he tucks into the warm and hearty meal, his stomach doing overwhelmed flip flops as he goes.


Coming to the diner is one of Liam’s favourite things, because some days he always waits until everybody else is gone and they give him seconds. He is always polite and is grateful for everything he is given. Like the weather jacket one of the caters gave him for the rainy days, even though it had a few tears and a stain on the hip, to him it was the best gift in the world, warm clothes and happy smiles, he didn’t know what else he could be given to brighten his day anymore than that.


He goes via the service station that just opened near the area he always sits at and scurries into the bathrooms behind. He sneaks in a quick shower before wandering back down the cold street. He is pleased that there isn’t too many people gathered around store entrances just yet so he gets the chance to get down to his spot without to much hassle. (apart from the rebel children who tried to steal his box in the bathrooms)


He sits down and waits patiently like every other day, and receives more money than he expects in exchange for his things, and every cent he is given goes into his special little wallet tucked into his back pocket, he was hoping to raise enough money to hopefully buy himself his own car, that way he could sleep in it and run the heater or air conditioner for free, it would be his home on wheels.


Niall gets up extra early that morning to do his chores and get down to the area Liam is always at quicker, he takes his brother’s dog with him this time, a large overly happy Labrador that still acted like a puppy. He was dragging Niall down the footpath with long heavy trails of drool soaking out of his mouth. He nearly knocks a bunch of children over, but Niall manages to finally get him under control by the time they reach the local suburb, Niall is just hoping the dog had worn himself out.


He had something for Liam today, and he was hoping the shy and somewhat sad boy would be in the same spot as the two other times Niall had wandered down there. The blonde had been doing his research and was trying to use his work to find ways to help people who had less than him, of course that was Niall’s job, he would take somebody who needed help and bring them back up until they were happy with themselves again. NIall had worked with all sorts of people before, ranging from the blind to the deaf, but he’d never worked with somebody he didn’t know, he was always given time to get to know his clients before jumping right into helping them, but he had a funny feeling this poor lad wasn’t going to be the same.


Niall knew Liam was quite reserved to himself, always just sitting patiently until somebody stopped by to peer in or buy something, Niall guessed it was how he was brought up, to never be enforcing but to always be polite and reserved, he agreed that in a certain way that can be a good thing, but in this case Niall wanted Liam to be the type who would open up to anybody, but he knew he was pushing his luck there.


Liam is there when Niall arrives, he is staring at the stack of cash in his wallet and Niall is questioning weather maybe he doesn’t know how to count, but then again he is only guessing. The dog bumps into Liam’s box roughly as he tries to drag NIall past and the blonde is quick to heal the dog up and readjust the box, grabbing a few things from inside and paying for them before removing the warm hooded jumper from the bag he had as well as two fresh bottles of water and a bottle of vitamin pills.

“I know none of this is my concern and you are probably doing okay on your own anyway, but I want to give you these few things. Not for you to sell but for you too keep for yourself. I do these things for others to be nice, I one of those people that others would call a giver instead of a receiver. I don’t know your name and I don’t know your story, and you don’t have to tell me, but I want you to accept my gifts. Because nobody deserves to go cold, nobody deserves to be thirsty and nobody deserves to be weak, these three things will help you will this. You seem like such a smart lad, what you do here is brilliant and I give you credit for that, I give you credit for living out here by yourself too. You should be proud. Take my words and be proud of yourself, because you deserve it.” Niall says, resting the few items gently in the startled lads lap, he gives him a warm and reassuring smile, before he stretches himself back up into a standing position and takes the items he just purchased in his free hand, the other holding the firm leash to the eager dog. 

He turns back just before he bends around the corner and calls “my name is Niall by the way.” before he disappears.

Liam feels an overwhelming joy in the pit of his stomach, somebody was being nice to him and best of all, somebody praised him for his good work and he felt blessed. This blonde called Niall, had just made his day ten times better. This was by far the best day of Liam's life and he couldn't help but grin from ear to ear.


hope you like! I don’t wanna rush this book to much but I feel like I need to start making Niall do more, otherwise it’s only going to get boring.

what do you all think?

7+ comments please!


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