Chapter Seven

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Today was one of those days where Niall wished he had Liam indoors. He had spent the whole week gathering up the gifts that Liam had on his wishlist, he had also gone out and bought himself a car, it was small and barely ran but it was a car and the heater worked wonderfully.

Over the week the weather had been predicted to get progressively worse, starting with bitter ran to a snow blizzard and Niall was eager to get Liam out of that.

Currently driving around in the middle of a snow blizzard possibly wasn't the smartest thing Niall had ever come up with. His little car was struggling to get through the thick and somewhat heavy snow. It was a good foot already and despite the weather warnings to stay in doors and not go out driving in this. That's what Niall was doing.

As he is driving he is squinting to see the shops, trying to find Liam, but with how hard the snow was falling it was nearly impossible for him to see anything. Let alone a person.

As he squinted further into the snow, he watched it swirl around in the sky like it was dancing and for a mere moment Niall was so caught up on the multiple different dancing techniques he was finding in the midst of a flew blown blizzard.

He had his foot pressed flat against the accelerator pedal, as the car whined and wheezed it's way through two feet of snow. Niall had the heater up as high at it would allow as well as two jackets clad around his body. He frustratingly ran his fingers through his hair and sighed angrily. Leaning over to wipe the fog off his passenger window.

He crawls through the snow blizzard in his car for a good two hours before it can't be pushed anymore. He is left revving the engine desperately as be continued to slam his foot against the pedal. The car completely wedged now.

Niall let's out a sigh of defeat as he tugs his jacket against his steering wheel and presses his head against it, the heater still on full noise as he basically just stares helplessly out the window of his chair that had begun to slowly fog back up again.

Niall knew that anybody who was out there in a snow blizzard would freeze to death. The snow is just physically far to cold for anybody to manage to live in. And Liam was skinnier than an average sized person his age so there was definitely no hope for him at all.

Niall ended up falling asleep like that, against his steering wheel with the blizzard still raging angrily outside his car. The heater fighting off the cold and the jacket pillowing his head.

When he wakes up the blizzard was just falling snow. So he decided to get out. He switched his car off and grabbed his big backpack. It takes a lot of force to get the car door open and when he does finally step out the snow is up to his knees. He gathers up his phone, mobile and car keys before starting his hike through the snow.

Snow blizzards didn't happen often but when they did it always meant lots of community places and homes needed plenty of help getting back on their feet. And one thing Niall enjoyed was how the community always came together to help one another. More so than not.

As he tracked through the snow, it crunching under his heavy snow boots as he went, breathing cold air. He noticed now high the snow is coming up to his legs as he approaches the spot Liam always sits when he has his box. His breath hitches as he basically dives into the freezing snow and starts digging, sitting back up on his knees when he realized Liam wasn't in fact there.

He had checked the park in his car the night before. Managed to squint his eyes enough to figure out nobody was sitting there. Which was a relief, but now he was relieved and panicked, because Liam wasn't buried in the snow but he was panicking because he couldn't find him.

He decides he's going to get a coffee, but figures nothing is going to be open because they all just got hit by a blizzard and it's a big process to clean up.

He ends up just walking aimlessly around the place until he notices a shop, the door is slightly ajar and people are going in. He decided to go get that coffee he wanted. Bask up in the warmth of what he hopes is a place with a heater, some place warm. Considering he just dived himself into a mountain of snow and now he is freezing again.

As he steps inside he instantly notices the shaking figure curled up under a blanket in the corner of the room. He can't tell who it is, but then he recognizes the beanie, and totally ignores the shop owner as he marches over.

He kneels down beside the figure and curls his arms around him gently, dropping the bag down in his lap and unzipping it. He had packed mountains of snow proof clothing items. Boots, jackets, pants, gloves, beanies. You name it he had it.

He sat the boy up and untangled him from the blanket, his eyes were closed and his lips were purple and chattering, he was slightly hunched into himself and was trying to clutch his blanket.

"Hey Liam, I have gotten you some warmer clothes to wear alright?" Niall says softly, slowly removing his wet jacket, he then helped him out of his shirt, and this is when Niall notices now skinny Liam really is. He can see his ribs outlining his skin. It compliments his jawbone and cheekbones.

He quickly helps him into a warm shirt, it's swimming on him coming down to his knees as Niall zips the big thick jacket up over the top of the cotton one he had stationed underneath.

He then moves onto Liam's bottom half, getting his torn pants off and replacing them with a thick part, he had to tuck them up at the bottom as he pulled big fluffy socks onto his feet and secured them on with his big boot like shoes.

He brought Liam a hot chocolate and some soup and helped him eat it whilst he curled up under a blanket with him and tried to help him warm his body up quicker.

"Thanks again Angel." Liam says softly, barely audible as he curled closer to Niall, his eyes hardly open.

"You need to start finding places to stay, warm places." Niall states, his fingers drawing patterns on Liam's arm "so you don't continue to get cold. This weather is only going to get worse love."

"I know. But I don't have anywhere to go. I came here as quick as I could."

Niall had to refrain himself from asking Liam to come live with him, so instead he just sighs and holds him closer. "I'll see if I can find somewhere you can stay alright?"

"Okay, thank you Angel."

"My pleasure Liam"


Hope you like! Sorry it took so long, I've had a weird past few days!


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