Chapter One

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Chapter One

Liam was sitting on a bench chair, shakily terribly from the somewhat bitter weather whilst he waited until the London people started going about their day to purchase things so Liam could take the ones nobody wanted. It was common in London and Liam guessed it was because it was a big place with enough people for things to be misplaced or tossed away.

Coming to the park was part of Liam's daily routine, that was after he stole a shower from the public bathroom and went to the homeless welfare shelter to get food. It was always the same for Liam everyday, the same person would feed him and then come around and offer him seconds, she'd make a joke that he'd heard many times before and then stagger off to somebody else.

Liam always glanced around during his meal times, to see if anybody else like him would be based here. But it was always the same old men that come from miles, even the old man that pinned Liam against the wall in the bathroom one day was here and Liam hated being the only teenage person in this shelter, and then when he goes outside he sees a girl telling her mum she 'really needs that iPhone because all her friends have it and he wishes he could have an iPhone too.

As Liam is thinking he starts his normal wander around the streets, his box curled up in his arms as he goes. He stops every time he sees something on the edge of the path and even goes through the bin until he spots something of interest. He always goes by the second hand shop that hasn't opened yet and goes through the bags of items other people have put there that morning.

Once he is satisfied he wanders back over to where he always sits and settles himself down, rearranging the items in the box until their sitting the way he finds suitable, and then he sits back and waits, he has the odd few who wander past and peer in, one person even adding to the items as he goes. He closes his eyes for a moment to grimace as the familiar teenage boys in their SUV throw insults out the windows. He never listens because he doesn't see a point, he already has it as bad as he is going to get it, a few insults aren't going to effort him anymore. He heard most of the insults from his father anyway.

As he is sitting he watches the families wander past, he always sees the same look in all their faces, fear and sympathy, some of the children even question their parents on why he is sitting by himself on the side of the road, and Liam wants to cry and shout and tell everybody that he has nowhere to go and he sleeps in a different place every night because he doesn't have a roof over his head or a mother to go home too. His education sucks and he can't get a proper job. But he knows he has common sense.

Sometimes he sits and thinks about ending his life because what's he got to lose? His property concludes of a cardboard box, that's big enough for him to curl into at night, it's a home for a homeless item. But to this day he finds himself waiting for something. He doesn't know what but he's going to wait for it, and he's hoping it'll come because whatever it is Liam needs it.

Liam wasn't scared of the dark, he just feared being alone forever. He wanted to feel what love felt like, he wanted to come back to a beautiful family and be proud of what he'd achieved, he wanted to come home and sigh a breath of relief, because he'd gone another day without being like his own family. But now he fears everytime he wakes up and sees a chirpy couple or family walk past that he was never going to be able to feel what that felt like, that he was never going to be able to parent the right way. Love somebody and have that person love him back.

He laid down on the icy grass and started up at the grey clouds, he found himself doing this often, he would just stare quietly as the birds and planes flutter past. He finds it relaxing when he doesn't have anything else too do. He finds it as a reassurance thing some days too.

Niall was coming home from work, he'd changed his route just to see if the teenage boy was there when he walked passed again this time. Niall had been brought up to give to people who had less then him. He'd given to charities, done fundraisers and volunteer work, now he wanted to give to this boy. He didn't know how he was going to give to a boy he knew nothing about, but that's what his job was. Giving instead of receiving.

Niall job was to help the underprivileged, at first the job was hard on Niall. He merely hated seeing so many sick and mistreated people but then he remembered that his job was to help these people feel better and get themselves out of the dump they'd fallen into, and he feels proud knowing he'd helped enough people. He wanted to help this boy but he didn't know how he was meant to approach somebody on the street and inform them that he was out to help. He didn't know a thing about him nor did he know the lads limits.

Niall didn't quite understand why he felt the urge to help out other people, and he didn't understand why he felt the sudden urge to help this boy. He had a feeling it was the fear flooding out of the lads warm eyes when Niall glanced down that day, and Niall knew that look and he believes nobody deserves to feel fear. Niall thought fear and possibly pain were the worst feelings ever.

He puts one headphone into his ear and stepped down the cracked footpath, this side of town wasn't all that great. Niall didn't feel that confident walking around this part either and he kind of wishes he'd invested in a car ages ago because walking was something Niall did daily. He steps to the beat of the heavy drums in the song he was listening to The Script superheroes, Niall had always been a fan of them and he just believed their music was getting better every time he listened to them, some explained his life.

He tugged his beanie further down onto his head and hummed along to the tune, tucking his phone into his back pocket as he neared the familiar area Liam was based at. He suppressed the grin pulling up on his lips when he saw the lad was in fact sitting in the same spot as he was last time.

Once he reached the boy and his box he leaned in and picked up the remaining items and tucked them into his hoodie pockets. He then leaned down and gave Liam enough cash to buy himself some decent food or even some more clothes. He gave him a confident smile waving slightly.

"See you tomorrow!" He chirped as he wandered off, Liam sitting with a clear 'O' shape on his lips as he stared down at the large sum of money. (Well it was large to him) he stuttered for a moment before glancing into the box to make sure he wasn't tricking himself. Before watching the back of the blonde haired boy walk away.

"See you tomorrow" he said softly barely audible, but it was still there and for a moment Liam felt happy with himself.


Sorry for the extremely long wait, I'm writing like ten things at once as well as trying to juggle my busy life!

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