Chapter Fourteen

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Niall had his family over, his Mum and Dad, brother and sister in law and Theo, his nephew. It was a bit of a tradition, they always came to Niall's because he either had an extra person, or he was in another country. Like Australia. So they always came to his.

Liam hadn't come out yet, to frightened that the parents will be as nosy as the last lot of people he had over. Liam was always so unsure on people. Being that he was a sad, broken and confused person.

Niall made a roast for dinner with baked potatoes and roast vegetables on the side. He also had pulled turkey, a tone of salads and a few different sauce varieties. Such as gravy and cranberry sauce. He also made hot chips for the children.

He was a bit concerned that Liam hadn't opened his door once since the incident with the television earlier. But he knew he couldn't codle Liam, if he needed his personal space, he would gladly give him that. He busied himself in the kitchen and cooked up the food whilst he chatted contently to his mother over the island table. Passing her a hot tea once the kettle had finished boiling.

Maura was so pleased to be seeing her son again, catching up on everything that had happened over the year. Niall mainly spoke about the renovations he'd done, the room Liam was in being one of them.

Once all the food was made, Niall made a plate for Liam and stuck it in the warm oven to keep it from going cold. He then sat down and started eating contently, laughing along with his family easily. It felt good to have them back in his present. To be with his family once again, every year he said the same thing that he 'didn't see them enough' being that he lived so far away from them and was swamped with work it was always hard for Niall to visit.

As Niall was stacking the dishwasher and his family had vacated to the living room, Liam came out tentatively. Holding his hands tightly on his long, overly huge hoodie that hung down past his arms and hips, he was staring at the back of Maura's head, Liam heard Greg say mum and his eyes stared too well up with sad tears as he pressed his long sleeves against his face.

"hey Liam, what's wrong love?" Niall asked, concern written all over his face. Niall's family had turned to face the pair. Startling Liam in the process. He was already on his way out of the living room and back into his bedroom. Tears streaming down his face whilst his bottom lip wobbled.

Maura immediately stood up as Niall switched the kettle on and grabbed a packet of tissues. "it's okay mum. I've got this." Niall assured, moving to pour two cups of tea and grabbing the tissues "I know what this is about, if I need you. I will grab you." Niall said, carrying the tea and tissues toward Liam's door. Where he knocked carefully before he let himself in.

Liam was laying on his bed, looking so small and vulnerable as he squeezed himself into a tight ball, crying sadly into his pillow. Niall could hear Liam crying "Mum" sadly. It was so heartbreaking to see, somebody so distraught and upset. It tore up Niall's heart and made him feel horrendous.

"hey Li, hey. What's wrong buddy?" Niall asked carefully, placing the cup and tissues down on the bedside table gently. Liam sniffled loudly into his pillow. Snot and tears soaking into the bed sheets as he sat up on his elbows to stare at Niall.

"I-I miss my mum" he said sadly, his whole body jutting as he hiccuped. Niall felt his heart strings tug as he climbed onto the bed gently. Liam instantly curling his arms into Niall's jumper, his face pressing into the blonde's neck as he cried sadly.

Niall could feel the sad, wet tears soaking his skin and shirt as he ran his hand up and down Liam's back gently, whispering ' shh shh shh' in his ear gently as he used his other hand to run through Liam's hair. "You're mum is very proud of you Liam, very very proud of you."

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