Chapter 7: Fear

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Sandra Pov

In the cavernous depths of the war room, a stark contrast to the usual grandeur of demonic strategy sessions, Sandra paced restlessly. The hell knights, towering figures of dread and might, lined the room, their expressions hidden behind helmets forged from nightmares. The air was thick, not just with the smell of sulfur, but with tension, palpable and choking.

"Look," Sandra began, her voice betraying a hint of the fear she harbored within, "I know it sounds mad, but he's out there. He survived!" Her hands gestured wildly, the movements erratic, unbecoming of the queen of such a fearsome realm. "We thought him dead, vanquished by our king, yet he breathes and walks!"

The hell knights exchanged wary glances, their stoic silence speaking volumes. To them, their queen's fear seemed unfounded, bordering on hysteria. After all, who could pose such a threat to their mighty kingdom?

"Who my queen?" One of the knights asked, earning the ire of Sandra.

"Y/n! That fucking bastard... I thought my king killed him a long with the rest of that shitty planet!" Sandra's habit of biting her finger nails was on full display. "Why is he here..."

One of the knights, braver or perhaps more foolhardy than the rest, dared to voice the thought. "My queen, with respect, are you sure? This... Y/n, can he truly be such a threat?"

Sandra wheeled on the speaker, her eyes blazing with a ferocity that made even the hell knight step back. "Am I sure? Am I SURE?" she snapped, her voice rising to a crescendo of incredulity and rage. "You dare to question me? Your queen!"

The offending hell knight suddenly found himself with his own hands clasped around his throat squeezing the life out of him. The others could only watch as Sandra nearly killed the demon, but soon let go.

She'd just made it clear that this wasn't a matter of reluctance but a time to act.

She took a moment to compose herself, her breathing heavy. "Yes, I'm terrified of him! And you should be too. He's not like anything you've faced before. If he finds the slayer, if they join forces... it could spell the end for all of us!"

The room fell silent, the gravity of her words settling over the assembled demons like a shroud. Sandra, regaining a semblance of her usual composure, continued, albeit with a voice that carried an undercurrent of fear. "We need to act, and act fast. I want the hell knights to lead the hunt. Flush him out before he can make his move. The elite guard will support you, encircle the area, and leave no shadow unchecked."

Her plan laid bare, Sandra looked around the room, her gaze challenging any further dissent. "This is not a drill, nor is it madness. It's survival. Our survival."

The knights, now fully aware of the desperation of their situation, nodded their assent. They might think their queen mad, but the fear in her voice, a fear they've felt before but only in the spayer, spurred them into action. In fear of what may happen if Y/n turned out to be yet another Slayer...

As the room emptied, Sandra remained, her eyes fixed on the maps and plans scattered across the table. Her mind raced with scenarios, each more catastrophic than the last. She had shown them her fear, a vulnerability she could ill afford, but the threat of Y/n was real, and it was out there lingering like a landmine ready to be stepped on.

"I will find you Y/n... I will kill you."


Boom, a long awaited update has finally happened. I hope whoever is still around will enjoy! Also again sorry for the wait.

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