Chapter 2: Powers

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Sandra's Pov

I sat on my throne, looking over ancient text from the last queens run. It was fairly normal although a strange... Thing kept appearing in the text. The Bane of Hell, its given many names but the one mostly used the ancient text is the Doom slayer. The doom slayer, is depicted as a monster with a unrivaled rage for hell and its populist.

Sandra: "Hey you" I looked at a nearby baron, who seemed to look behind him before pointing to himself.

Baron: "M-me?" He looked up at me, in fear.

Sandra: "Did I stutter?" The baron quickly kneed to the ground, sweating magma as he answered me.

Baron: "N-no"

Sandra: "Good" I stood from my throne and slowly walked down the steps. "Now tell me, who is this Doom slayer?"  Signalled the nearby demons to leave, they quickly left from the room, leaving me, the baron, and Samuel.

Baron: "M-my Queen, T-the doom slayer is a real demon, their a monster thats constantly ripping and tearing, they have been diminishing our forces for eons"

Eons? Hmmm, why does that word remind me of Him?

Sandra: "Why are they here?" I asked

Baron: "T-the icon of sin....that was their son and well w-we killed its pet."

Sandra: "So their here for revenge.." I smiled as many idea's came about, all perfect plans for killing the slayer. "Thank you"

The boran smiled as if a god just praised him. He slowly stood up, wiping his sweat on the floor.

Sandra: "Your free to go" I used  telekinesis to pick him up in the air.

Baron: "W-whats happening" he stuggled before I ripped him limb from limb. He scearmed in terror as I slowly twisted his neck, before impaling the barons dead body on my chandelier. Allowing the blood to drip down onto me, I felt bliss as the demons blood tainted my body.

Sandra: I looked at the summoner near my throne "Clean this up, and bring me the genrals" he nodded before hovering out of my throne room.

Its good to be queen

Y/n Pov

I hung off a rather large cliff wall, a few inches above an flaming absy. I normally would just pull myself up or fly with ease but my powers don't seem to be working.

What aren't my I losing them becuase I failed.....

I grit my teeth as I start to force myself to climb.

My powers don't make me who I am!

I grabbed onto a lose rock and slipped, making me slid back to the bottem.

My powers are just an extension of me!

I, again forced my self up the wall. Until I cut my hand on a very sharp rock.

Even my invincibility is gone....... Who cares!

I felt my body burn as the distance to the top became shorter and shorter.

I don't need them! I-

Suddenly the thoughts of my battle with the Scarlett King flashed into my mind, reminding me of my failure and what I lost.


My hand started to slip as my focus became scattered.


My will power weakened, cuasing me to subcome to fatigue.


I lost footing and hung by my two arms.


My left hand slipped leaving my right hand to hang by itself.


I finally let go, I felt the wind against my bareback as I fell.

This is it......after eons of living I'm finally going to die....

I couldn't help but to tear up, as an immortal the term death eludes you. Unless you are deafeted then death welcomes you, but unlike other immortals. I've been beat, stabbed and shot but I still stood up, but not this time.... This time I'm laying down, and never standing up again.


??? Pov

???: "Slayer, the suits scanners have found a strange influx of new energy" veaga reported as I crushed an unwilling under my boot.

???: "Where" I asked while emptying a shotgun shell into a imps skull.

Veaga: "78 miles, northwest" Veaga marked the location. "This energy is pattern is very unique and seems to be 50 times stronger then argent energy"

50 times? Hmm

???: "Road trip" I said to myself as I changed my direction and started heading for the marker.

3rd person Pov

You slowly open your eyes to the feeling of a warm plesent feeling. You move slightly, only allowing the warming feeling to wrap around you fingers like a soft blanket. You look to your side, only to relise your floating on magma.

Y/n: "I have my powers again...."  You used telekinesis to throw yourself up the cliff. "...why?" Your eyes were slowly drawn to the massive black scar you gained from the battle with the Scarlett king. "What did he do to me!" You yelled into the red sky.


Ok so before you say anything, I know this is update took super long but you have to understand I Normally work on like two stories at a time. I know how weird that sounds but that's what happens. Also I know this chapter was a bit short and I'm sorry. I'll make the next one longer.

P.s- A change is coming, and its going to hit hard.


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