Chapter 1: A Hell of awakening

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You sprung to your feet, ready for combat until every part of your body ached and cried with pain. One spot especially cried out to you, your chest. You slowly look down at it to see a large black stab wound, while looking down you noticed that you're as naked as a newborn baby.

Y/n: "What happened to my..." A flash of the last few years went through your head, reminding you of Alice and the girls, the portal you sent them though, and the promise you broke. You take a look around only to see a hellish land scrap accompanied by fire and dead corpses.

 You take a look around only to see a hellish land scrap accompanied by fire and dead corpses

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You try to open a rift but you couldn't.

Y/n: "What?" You try again and again and again but nothing seemed to work, you looked down at your hands. While they shook. "W-whats happening to me!"

A low growling was heard on your left, you quickly look in that direction as a humanoid monster stood before you.

???: "Grr" it moved towards you like a zombie, you step back a little until you took a deep breath and used telekinesis to rip it to shreds until

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???: "Grr" it moved towards you like a zombie, you step back a little until you took a deep breath and used telekinesis to rip it to shreds until.

Y/n: "At least... I still have telekinesis, wait do I still have..." You reel your arm back and punch the ground with all your strength. Resulting in a massive crater the size of an ocean.

Y/n: "Good I still have my strength" you look around hoping that somehow you would figure out where to go but you shrugged and walked north.

(First ever Timeskip brought to you by, naked Y/n covered with blood while rocking out to a heavy metal version of "I'm a barbie girl")

You continued walking and ripping any zombie-like creatures until you came across after all a zombie is just a walking tomb.

After a few hours, I saw a building of some sorts in the distance, with an outpost a few meters away from me.

???: "Hey! You!" I turned to see a soldier.

???: "Hey! You!" I turned to see a soldier

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Fucking Humans

You instantly ran up to him and punched the soldier in the face, completely destroying the helmet and sending flying towards the outpost with a massive shockwave.

You heard alarms go off, which only added to your anger due to memories. You opened your hand and picked up the whole human base, raising it higher and higher until letting it go.

You watched at the base fell from the sky and hit the ground like a pancake, becoming nothing more but ruins. The survivors tried to run away from me until a red minotaur-like monster busted out of the ground.

 The survivors tried to run away from me until a red minotaur-like monster busted out of the ground

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It chased and killed those who were to slow, and threw things to kill those who almost escaped.

You casually walked towards it, picking up a long steel pole from out of the wreckage. You stopped about a few miles away and threw the pole.

The poor bastard didn't even last a second before the pole ripped though its skull and hit a very unlucky human who just barely survived the demons attack, with the force of a 130 mm shell.

I continued my walk, ripping and tearing any monsters that dare to attack me.

??? Pov

I slowly woke up, surrounded by skeletal remains and flesh. I rubbed my head, trying to remember what happened but nothing came to mind. I slowly got up from the gorery mess I slept on.

???: "Where am I?" I questioned as I looked around, the piles of dead bodies I saw. Rested in the middle of what I can only guess is a throne room with a throne.

I heard a low growling coming from my left and right. Two zombie like creatures, with a single missing eye limped toward me.

???: "N-no stay back!" I started backing up, until I slipped down the pile. Infrount of some type of demon minotaur looked down at me. I quickly got up and ran, but it didn't follow.

???: "W-what was that thing" I spoke aloud while running through, what seems to be castle halls. I took a sharp right at the next corner and was stopped by monsters that seemed to be in armor. I fell to my butt, crawling backwards as they just stared at me.

One of the monsters slowly came close to me.

???: "My Queen" it kneeled and soon the monsters behind it followed

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???: "My Queen" it kneeled and soon the monsters behind it followed.

???: "But I'm not a queen!" I shouted in fear which made some of the monsters flinch.

???: "Ah my Queen must have lost her memory" he slowly moved closer to me "Master did say this would happen" I backed up but he got closer and closer before putting his thumb on my head.

The last three years flashed though my head, The Scp foundation, my kings first words to me, Y/n, and what I took from him. I looked at Sanato and smiled indicating my memories were back.

Sanato: He turned to the demons behind him and yelled "Long live the new Queen! Sandra" the demons cheered using any manner they knew how.

Sandra: "Now then" the demons quickly hushed as I snapped my fingers and a rift appeared. "Let us continue the kings work"


Welcome back to the luaghing immortal! Chapter 2! I hope you'll like this story like the last one!

P.s- losing power


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