Chapter 3: The Yell

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3rd Pov

"What did he do to me!" Those words echoed across the vast waste called Hell, drawing every demon, human, and Slayer's attention.

??? Pov

The sound of a man screaming "What did he do to me" ringed in my ears as I forced a grenade down a Cacodemon.

???: "What was that"

Veaga: "It seems to be a scream, in the same genral direction of the unknown infux of energy as well Slayer" he reported, while displaying a rough map of the land scape. "I have marked your hud" a yellow circle appeared around the maker.

Slayer: "Off" the map disappeared and displayed how much further I have to go before I reach the marker.

26 miles left....

I laid my shotgun on my shoulder and kept walking.

Sandra Pov

I walked down the halls with Sanato at my side, getting ready to meet the generals. I've come up with a fool proof plan that couldn't possibly fail. I smiled as I thought of the touchered face the doom slayer might make once we kill him. I felt my "spot" grow warm as I remembered the last to touchered faces I saw, Y/n and his toy Alice. I felt my hand slowly sneak its way to my legs, threanting to touch me. I was about to let it do as it pleased until...

"What did he do to me!"

Those words rang in my head, cuasing me to hold my head in pain. Demons around me aided me as the pain slowly fadded.

"That kinda sounded like...."

Sandra: "He's alive!" I yelled, angered by my realisation. The near by demons backed away, leaving me my own space. "I thought, my king killed him!" I bit my thumb nail "Shit! If he meets the slayer then....FUCK!" I stomped causing the castle to rummble.

Imp: " M-my queen is-" I snapped my fingers and the imps Head spun before twisting off, like a bottle cap.

Sandra: "Bring me the hell knights and guard!"

???: "Yes, ma'am!" The Prowler ran out of the room.

Sandra: "Now that I know hes alive, we have to move faster!" I yelled

Sanato: he sped up with my while asking one single question "Who is alive my queen? Who?"

Sandra: "Y/n! The immortal!"

??? Pov

The bases scanners suddenly exploded, and a mans scream echoed though my brain.

"What did he do to me!"

Everyone near me felt the same ringing, bringing us to our knees, begging for death until it stopped.

???: "What was that!" The head scientist yeld.

???: "Maybe a demon cry?" A man in soldier armor suggested as I got up.

???: "No demon crys aren't that loud or human" I slowly stood up "Maybe its a new demon, what do you think Albert?"

Albert: The man patted himself down before talking "I don't think it's a demon"

???: "Why do you say that?" The head scientist asked

Albert: "The words, 'What did he do to me' dosen't seem like words of the damned"

???: "But then what is it?" I asked

Albert: "What ever it was or is, if it can do stuff like this by just yelling" he points to the broken scanners "Then it is a class one demonic threat"

???: "Alright" I turned to the only soldier in the room "gather a team and find that, thing!"

???: "Yes ma'am!"


Sorry for this Chapter being short! I had a lot of work suddenly attacking me so I did what I can. If you have any suggestions then please let me know!

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