Spike x Reader - Forget You Part 2

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Second part!! I've really enjoyed writing this, so will definitely he thinking about doing more Spike x Reader (with Angelus kicking about 😂)

Panting, you pushed on, struggling for breath. You were almost at the cemetery, you just had to hope that Spike was there.

"You can't run forever, you know!" You hear Angelus' voice, close behind you.

You ignore him and use the last of your energy for one last sprint. You burst out of the clearing, looking around for Spike. He was no where in sight.

"Shit!" You curse, coming to a stop in front of the entrance. You'd have to hold Angelus off until he got there.

You stick the book in your jacket, and pull out a stake.

"Now why do I feel like I'm walking into a trap?" Angelus smirks.

"Not a trap, just a very pissed off girl who's about to kick your ass," you glare.

Angelus laughs. "In your dreams Y/N."

He lunges at you and you block his first attack, rolling under his legs.

You jump up and kick him in the back, making him stagger forwards.

He growls and turns around, face changed into it's vampire form.
He lunges at you and gets in a punch.

You stagger backwards, losing momentum.

Angelus uses that to his advantage and grabs you, spinning so that your neck is exposed.

"Angel, please," you try. "I know you're still in there, we need you."

"Let her go Angelus, she's not the one you want."

You breath out in relief, as Spike emerges from the shadows.

"Oh but she is. Think how much morale would go down, if the team lost one of it's key players right before the final battle."

"Angelus, just put her down. It wouldn't be a fair victory over her when she's in this state. If you let her go, I'll take you on. Give you a fair fight."

"I see the way it is. You care for her." You can hear the glee in his voice.

"In that I work with her, and she's a good asset to the team, yeah," Spike says, inching forwards.

"That's not what I mean and you know it. You love her. You love her, and it scares you."

"So what if I do? Wouldn't you rather take me on than have an easy victory?"

"I have all the time in the world to take you on."

Angelus pauses, as if thinking for a minute, then bites into your neck.

You cry out in pain, as Spike roars in anger.

Spike attacks Angelus, punching forcefully until he drops you.

Angelus just laughs as he blocks punches.
"I'll see you around, Spike. Maybe get that fight you were talking about next time. But for now, I should be going."

He strolls away, and Spike crouches down to you, putting pressure on your neck to stop the bleeding.

Your eyes flutter. "Spike?" You ask weakly. "Am I going to die?"

"No love, he didn't get that much blood, you'll be fine in a few days after some sleep."

"Good, you guys will need all the help you can get," you smile slightly and Spike laughs gently.

"That we will pet, that we will. Are you okay for me to pick you up? We should get back, get Willow that book."

You nod sleepily, and put your arms around his neck as he scoops you up.

He makes his way back to the Summers' house, holding you tightly to his chest.

"About what Angelus said, was he right? Y'know, you having feelings for me," you look up at Spike.

"The heart wants what it wants, Y/N. I can't help that."

Spike looks away, clearly not wanting to look at you for fear of your answer.

You unclasp your hands, and gently place one on his cheek, guiding his head to look at you.

"Maybe I have feelings for you too."

You bring your lips to his, and kiss him slowly, your hand placed on the back of his neck.

"We should get back," you whisper, pulling away slightly.

Spike groans. "I guess so. Big Bad Angelus is still in town."

"I think I can walk now."

He places you down, and you put your arm around him for support.
You finally make it to Buffy's house.

"Oh my god Y/N what happened? And Spike where the hell did you go? You just disappeared without a word!"

"Angelus caught me at Giles', I phoned here, Spike picked up, I got Angelus to the cemetery, we fought, I got bitten, Spike tried to take him down but he just left, and now here we are," you gasp in pain as you put too much weight on your ankle, which must've gotten twisted in the fall.

Spike goes to help you but you brush him off. "I'm fine, Spike. I'll be back in shape in no time. Oh and Will? Here's the book."

"Oh thank goodness, I didn't want to ask for it, because you know, traumatic events have just happened. But if you didn't get that we'd all be screwed."

"It's just as well Spike and I are a good team then," you grin.

Thank you for reading this! I love writing Spike so please drop more requests (my favourite people to write for are Spike, Nathan Scott and Logan Huntzberger if you couldn't tell 😂)

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