Logan Huntzberger x Reader - We Are Young

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Logan and Y/N are on a trip with Colin, Finn, Robert and Rory to one of his family's houses after graduation, and Logan's feelings for you come out. Maybe a bit of Rory x Finn going on??? Not sure tbh 😂

"Oh come on, there's no way he likes me," you say, glancing at Rory as she drives.

"Look," she sighs. "All I know is what Finn told me. That you absolutely had to come. You know what I think?"


"I think Logan's in lurveeee," she teases playfully.

"Shut up! If you weren't driving I'd so hit you."

"Well you'll get your chance soon, we're here."

Rory pulls the car up outside a massive mansion, and you see Logan and the boys come out to greet you.

"Hey," you smile, getting out of the car to hug them.

You go to Logan first. His hug was tight, and lasted a fraction of a second too long. "I'm glad you're here," he breathed.

"Me too, thanks for inviting me! This place is so cool!" You say as you hug Finn, Colin and Robert.

"Just wait until you get inside darling," drawls Finn, clearly not completely sober.

Logan leads you and Rory inside, and explains the room situation.

"So basically, there's four bedrooms with King sizes, and one with two Queens. Would you and Rory want to share? Or I mean if not I could share with Finn."

You grin at Rory. "I think we'll be just fine sharing a room."

She nods, laughing. "Its not like we're roommates or anything."

"Well," Colin starts. "Now that you two are here I say it's time to get hammered and have a good time. None of this light drinking crap."

"We'll let you ladies get freshened up and we'll meet you back here," Robert winks.

Later in the night, 2am

After many many drinks, you were all now playing Truth or Dare.
"Right Logan, truth or dare?" Finn slurs, leaning against Rory for support.

"Uh, dare I guess."

Without missing a beat, Finn says, "Kiss Y/N."

Colin and Robert whoop and cheer, Rory laughs slightly and you blush, looking embarrassed.

Logan shrugs and leans over to you, kissing you gently and slowly, before pulling away.

You realise he's staring at you, and you smile.

After a few seconds Robert clears his throat.

"Hey lovebirds, care to continue the game?"

You both jump and snap out of it.

"Okay sorry," Logan rolls his eyes playfully. "Y/N, truth or dare?"

"Truth," you say firmly.

"Alright," he smirks. "Do you have feelings for anyone in this room?"


"Oh do tell us!" Colin pipes in.

"Not a chance, that wasn't the question."

"You're no fun," Finn pouts.

You notice Logan still staring at you, and avert your eyes.


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