Chapter 6

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*Ryder's POV*

Wtf!?! How does Charlie fucking Scene know my name!?! He took my hand, kissing it and pulling me inside.

"I chose you myself, I was afraid I made a mistake, but it's obvious that I was wrong." He smiled at me, "Why so silent?"

"I thought you'd be a dick." I blurted out. Keeping in thoughts had never been a strong suit of mine.

"He is!!" Funny yelled, "He tried to make me cook!"

"And look where that got us! Sorry about the delay, we weren't expecting you all so soon." He said sweetly.

"First on the menu is Charlie's!" Danny said, coming in with a platter of alcohol.

"Please tell me you didn't break out.the good stuff?" Charlie groaned.

"Yes I did, because bunnybear can afford it. Right bunnybear?" He smiled at Charles. I was confused. Bunnybear?

"Right honeyboo." He chirped, walking over to Danny and kissing his cheek. Honeyboo? Are they gay? I mean, I'm totally cool with that, but if I was honest, completely disappointed.

"Are you guys gay?" A tall blonde man with glasses asked. Thank goodness too, or I might've had to ask.

"Would you be opposed to that?" Charlie raised an eyebrow.

"Well yeah, God made Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve." He said in a "duh" tone.

Charles eyes exploded in hate and anger, his nostrils flared. "Get out..." he whispered.

"Huh?" The man asked, pushing his glasses up onto the bridge of his nose.

"I SAID GET THE FUCK OUT!!!! Get out of my house. I have no need of a stupid closed minded asshole under my roof. And for your information it is none of your FUCKING business what others decide to do with their FUCKING life. You have no control over them so FUCK OFF!!! And another thing, God clearly states that thow shalt not judgeth. SO STOP FUCKING JUDGING!!!!!" the blonde stood there in shock. I think we all did. We all thought Charlie was so egotistical and selfish and well....homophobic.


"DID YOU NOT UNDERSTAND!?!? ARE YOU STUPID!?!? GET OUT!!!!" he screamed pointing at the door. His arm shook in rage.

The man hung his head and left. Looking back in embarrassment and longing.

Danny added to his shame by adding, "and we're not gay, by the way. We're just playful friends." He smiled at the blonde and waved.

When the door closed Danny swivelled in place, turning to Charles.

"Why would you do that!?! We need 20 for it to work! And you just drove one away. How are we going to replace him?" Charlie opened his mouth to speak but Danny held up his hand, "no. You fix this. Its your problem." And he walked away.

Charles looked defeated as he continued his opening.

"So fans, it's our pleasure to have you here. There is a room for each of you, so you don't have to share." He laughed a hollow chuckle and ended it quickly, "the kitchen is through the door to the left and supper will be ready at 6. See you then." He walked through the door and was gone. I looked longingly after him but caught myself.

DaKurllz took hand and led me upstairs, "it's not always this dramatic, wait nevermind, it is. I hope it's okay." It wasn't a question but I nodded nevertheless. "Good, well this is it, get comfortable Ryder."

I smiled at him and entered, feeling alone again like always. It was kind of a relief to be back to my usual self. I looked around and my jaw dropped. There was a four poster bed with a huge fluffy comforter and clouds for pillows. The dresser was abstract, with a bunch of drawers strapped together at different angles, and I had a private bathroom. It was heaven. I dropped into the bed and passed out instantly....

What can I say? Writers block? Not really, I just wasn't in the mood, but I decided that I'd give the fans, as few as there are another beautiful chapter. I can try to update more, and I hope I can. But I can't promise. So please be patient with me.
And for a rare personal story no one will read....I recently found out I've been spelling my name wrong. I've always spelled my name SARAH, but it turns out it's SAHRA. Now I'm faced with a huge decision, do I start spelling my name right, or keep it as is. What to do?
Vote. Comment. Or follow.
-Sarah...or Sahra....fuck....

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