Chapter 7

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*Charlie's POV*
"You can't just get rid of the ones who don't share your opinion Charlie. Danny's right. How are we going to replace him?" Johnny said quietly.
"Um..if I'm not mistaken, it's my plan, and I thought it was clear that the first ones have to be perfectly moldable for this to work. He was not, he's gone. I have thought this out you know?" I retorted angrily. My plan, my way.
"Ok, fine then. You find a new one since it's your plan." With that he left.
"Asshole." I muttered, flipping the laptop open. "Okay, Henry, Thea Grey...nope, no, no, no, hell no...maybe...nope nevermimd. Wait..wait...wait....YES!" I fist pumped the air. Jade Harthway. Likes to learn, smart, talented, and she lives in LA.
Dear Jade,
We've had a last minute opening in the trip and have chosen the next in line, and that would be you. There will be a car to pick you up tomorrow. Thank you very much for applying.
Sincerely, Charlie Scene.
Perfect. Now the boys couldn't bitch. There would be a replacement by tomorrow and everything would be on track.
Oh how brilliant the plan was. Every moment I had to spare was spent on improving, check for holes. Didn't want to get swiss when you ordered chedder right?
I decided I might as well take a relaxing bath to get my mind off the complexity of the plan. The water just warmed up when my laptop began beeping. Well I guess that's Jade.
Surely enough it was
Thank you for the offer. I appreciate you taking the time to email me. I will pack immediately. Thank you again.
Smart, dignified. Her words were intelligent, even though it was short. I smiled to myself; I was good.
With new found confidence, I sank into the tub, letting the water lap at my neck. It was like a massage that had very little pressure, but amazing effectiveness. I found myself being lulled to sleep slowly...
The black haired beauty stood in front of me, naked. My hands found their way over the hills of her curves, grabbing her hips and laughing as she moaned then tensed. She didn't seem used to the gentle touches of a man. But her eyes told me different.
My senses evaded me, focused only on her eyes. The deep ruins that resided in her core, that she kept hidden. The ruins cleared in my mind, allowing me to walk among them. I watched her pain, the aftermath of abandonment. Abandoned by who? The dream time moved slowly, like a tortoise on a road. My strides ever so agonizingly slow.
A well stood among the ruins, dead center. Maybe, just maybe, if I looked deeply enough, I'd see the source of the hurt. My figure hunched over the stone well, water shimmering at the bottom. I laughed, almost as if in slowmo. But the water began to rise. Higher and higher, until it almost flowed over the edge. Screams echoed in the night, causing me to jump into the well, trying to use myself as a lid. I fell. Falling. Falling. Falling...
"Charlie!!!" A feminine voice screamed, "Charlie, let us in!" More voices called, but were muffled.
I whipped my head up, breaking the waters surface. I took in my surroundings, quickly realizing the problem. Water. The tub had overflow, and water was pouring over the edges. The floor was covered. I grabbed a towel and jumped out, shutting off the faucet. I dragged myself through the ankle deep mini flood, to get to the door.
"Charlie!" She flung her arms around me, embracing me tightly, "you're okay!"
"Yes?" She pulled away, looking me in the eyes.
"Uh, can I get dressed? " I asked akwardly.
"Oh, yeah of course." Her cheeks turmed bright red, "not that you need my permission." She laughed, running out.
"What was that about?" Johnny chuckled.
"I don't know. That was some weird shit." I watched her run down the hall of this huge house. Footsteps echoed from the other side of me.
"Charli-dude?" Matt stopped dead in his tracks.
"Hmm?" I looked up at him.
"Your towel..." I quickly turned around.
"You know you like it. We already know your gay, so stop trying to hide it." I laughed at him, "Oh, and I found a replacement, she lives in LA, so she'll be here tomorrow." I said, slamming the door.
What's up with that girl? If this continues, she might compromise the plan.

Hello my pandas. Long time no see. And I only come bearing bad news. :(. I am putting this book on hold. Don't hate me. I want to focus on one book at a time so I'll be writing my other HU fanfic My Undead Saviour. And I might update this one every once and a while. So sorry. No hate comments. Oh one more thing. If I get hate comments I won't do any surprise updates, I'm completely serious.
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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2015 ⏰

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