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OKAY SO turns out I'm leaving tomorrow??! WTF?! Okay so I might as well post the next few chapters now and finish up the book.. heh. Thanks for 900 views- almost 1k ahh

"It's not because of any of that!" He yells, quietly. You two make stern eye contact. "It's because I can't lose them! Even after all they put me through... I can't lose them, I love them... I didn't tell you because I was scared you'd tell someone... So please... Please don't tell anyone." He whispers the last part. He sighed and glanced over to something beside you. You turn and saw a teddy bear.

"They gave that to you, didn't they?" You whisper. "Y..Yeah."

You look at the mattress. "I.. I'm sorry for lashing out like that-... You know I hate lies and-" He cut you off by grabbing your hands, he moved a bit closer to you.

He let one hand go and moved a strand of hair out of your face. "No... I get it. You've always hated lying." He whispers.

You kissed him softly, it wasn't a long kiss. Only like two seconds, you pulled back and sighed quietly. "It doesn't give me an excuse for lashing out like that. How about I make it up to you?" You ask. "How?" He raised an eyebrow.

The tension started to slowly go down, as you giggle quietly. "Will you be my date to prom?"

"..Prom? I totally forgot about prom.. But uh, of course I'll go with you."

Author~san doesn't care that sophomores can't go alone to prom :)


I giggled quietly to myself as I spoke to Nerris. We were sitting outside of school, just chilling. School ended a couple minutes ago.

"I can't believe you're going to prom with Max!" She giggled. "Yeah- When I asked him he was shocked. Like he totally forgot about it, like it only existed now." You chuckle. "Yeah."

"Soo~ You gonna ask Harrison?" You giggle. "What- No!" She blushed. "He's just gonna say no anyways..." Nerris sighed.

Suddenly the two boys, Preston and Harrison, walked near you as they existed the school. "I'll be back." Said Nerris.

You sat there for a little bit, until Nerris came back with the boys. "Now." Nerris glared.

Preston sighed. "I'm sorry dear, for how I treated you." He sighs. "Me too..." Muttered Harrison. You look at them with a smile. "I forgive you. Now, let's all go get ice cream!" You cheer.

"Typical Y/n." Chuckled Preston.


While eating your ice cream you thought for a moment. "I'll be one moment." You grab Harrison's arm and pull him out the ice cream store. "Huh?" He was confused.

"I heard you liked Nerris." You whisper, even though you didn't. You just said that to see if it was true.

"What?! Who told you? Was it preston? God damn it-" He blushed. You giggled. "Nono, but listen... You should totally ask her to prom." "Really? What if she says no..." Mumbled Harrison. You put your hands on his shoulders. "Trust me, you got this!" You say with stars in your eyes.

He stares at you for a little bit before giving up, he sighs with a small smile on his face. "Okay okay... Hey- watch your ice cream! It's gonna drop on my sweater- Dammit."


Your friends all finished their ice cream. "That was tasty." You giggle. They nod their heads. "Yeah." Smiles Preston. "Hey Y/n, what would you like for your birthday?" He asked. "Oh! I forgot about that- Um..." You thought for a moment.

It was always hard for you to think of something. "Anything sentimental, like an something that symbolizes an inside joke, something hand made... Literally anything. I'm not picky."

Preston rolled his eyes. "Way to be vague..." He muttered. You chuckled and blush from embarrassment. "It's hard okay." You mutter. "I get your pain, my birthday was like a month ago." Mumbled Nerris.

"Oh yeah! How do you like that bracelet I got you?" You ask. She lifts up her sleeve revealing the hand made bracelet you made. "I love it!" She giggled. "The fact that you're wearing it right now makes me feel so special aha." You blush.

"So um... How's your relationship with Max?"

Why Harrison, why did you ask that?

Tension quickly rised, and attention was on you, and only you. "Pretty good actually. We're going to Prom together." You state. "Oh you have a date? Perfect, now Nerris and Harrison just need one!" Smiled Preston. "You have a date?" You raised an eyebrow.

"O-Oh... Um... Yeah." He blushes. "Wait seriously?! Who?!" You gasp. "This guy named Nurf-" "Wait it isn't Ronald?" You ask. "Nah, he isn't my type honesty." He shrugged. "Oh wow. Well congrats man!" You grin.

"Now, you two just need a date." You smirk as you turn to the two, who were blushing red. "I.. I have someone in mind but- I can't ask them aha." Nerris blushes. You look at Harrison, your eyes just telling him 'THATS YOU'. "Y..Yeah uh- Nerris wanna go to the movies tonight?" Harrison asked. Nerris turned to him in shock, her cheeks flushed red.

"Of course!- I mean.. Y-Yeah sure, that'd be cool."

You giggle. You and Preston stared at the two in awe, they were both blushing. "You two are so cute together." You chuckle. "Couldn't agree more." States Preston.

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