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You had met almost everyone in the school, Including someone you never thought you'd see again, Meredith.

She was in her senior year, you knew her from when you were little. Your mom was friends with the two gay's, so you and Ered hung out a lot as children. Your father started becoming uncomfortable being friends with secret agents, and started to slowly convince your mom to stop being friends with them.

"Eyy, little dude! I haven't seen you in forever." She smirked, lifting up her hand in a motion that made it obvious she wanted a high-five. You gave her what she wanted and high fived her.

"It's been awhile, hasn't it?" You laugh quietly. "Let's catch up—" Ered what cut off by Nikki. "You know this girl?? How can you stand her?" Nikki gasped, and was utterly confuse.

"I've known this girl for years now, maybe.. Ten years?" She asked. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure" You mumble. "We used to hang out as kids, I remember this little nerd." She smirks, using your head as an arm rest. "And I thought I'd out-grow you.." You mutter, with a small grin on your face.

"Please, as if you'd ever out grow me." She laughed. "Anyways, back to what I was saying, let's catch up. Anything special happened over the years?" She asked.

"Oh well—" you paused. "Do you want like everything? Or the sad things?" You asked. "Sad? Wow, what happened little dude?" She asked. "My.. N-Nikki can you leave—" You stutter. She huffs. "We'll talk later Nikki." Ered states.

Nikki sighs. "Fine.." She mutters and wake away. Ered turns back to me. "You were saying?" She said.

"Well.. M-My mother passed away two years ago." You mumble, staring at the ground.

Little did you know, Max and Neil were standing not far from you. Nikki had made eye contact with them before she left, signalling to listen in so she knew what she was saying. They nodded their head and were listening.

"Oh god... That's terrible.. If you wouldn't mind, how did she pass away? Again, no need to answer." Ered asked calmly, in a sweet tone. Which through off Max and Neil, Ered was usual out going and sarcastic. Not nice and caring.

"It's fine... She um.." You sigh. "Cancer" You whisper. Ered sighs, and hugs you. Which even caught you off guard, you knew her. She never hugged people. Did she change? No, but you thought maybe she did.

Neil and Max were shocked, never even seeing someone get a genuine smile from her.

"I know how it feels, it'll be alright." She whispers. You feel tears in your eyes, you were starting to be able to talk about it without crying, but her words triggered something. You sniffed. "T-Thank you.. B-But, what do you mean? Did one of your d-dad's die?" You whisper.

She shakes her head in the hug, and lets go. "My grandpa died recently, it might seem like nothing but I was quite close with him. He showed me most of stunts and we'd fish every weekend together.." She mutters. Once she realized what she was saying, she looked around. What if people were listening?

She noticed Max and Neil.

"Could you fuck off?" She glared. You turn around and gasp. "N-Neil?" You whisper. "Wait no— Y/n I wouldn't—" He stuttered. Max glanced at him. You shook your head and sighed. "L-Let's just go..." You mumble, taking Ered's hand and walking away.


"Great, now Max knows our secrets." Ered mumbled. You two were sitting on some bleachers outside.

You sigh. "Y..Yeah, though I wonder what he'll do with them." You mutter. "Black mail." She whispers. "Black mail?" You ask. She nods her head. "If we don't want them to be revealed, he'll use it as black mail..." She whispers. "Well he can't use it against me, I can tell my dad's." She shrugs. "Great, I'm screwed." You sigh.

She puts her hand around your shoulders. "It'll be fine." She smiled gently. You sigh, but a smile forms on your face. "Thank you, Meredith." You smile. "H-Hey! No one can call me that, call me Ered!" She blushed.

"Aww, please~? Can I be the only person to call you that~?" You begged. She sighed, looking away. She glance back at you. Noticing your puppy eyes, she sighed with a smile on her face. "Fine.." She says. You cheer. "Yay!"


Sitting on your table, you were eating your food. It was lunch, and your friends were talking. For some reason, the topic of Max came up. You swallow your food. "What's Max's last name?" You ask out of the blew. "Oh um, it's Anderson." Nerris states.

"Oh, okay.." You mutter. "But anyways, yeah I hate Max." Stated Harrison. "Like if any of us started being his friend, I'd be mad forever." Harrison shrugs. You giggle. "As if that would ever happen." You smile. "Yeah but I see what you mean, Max is cute and all but he's a bad person. I hate his guts." Muttered Preston, as he sneaked glares at him.

"Same here." Stated Nerris. You shrug. "I wouldn't say hate, but a strong dislike. I don't hate people." You shrug. "Huh, why is that?" Nerris asked.

You froze.

The reason you didn't hate people was because..

You had gotten into an argument with your mother and hated her a week before she died. You never got to apologize and you hated her just until she died. You felt like it was your fault and are too worried that will happen again.

"I just feel like a bad person when I hate people." You shrug, smiling awkwardly. "Makes sense, you are a nice person. You'd totally be a hufflepuff." Nerris states. You laugh. "When did our conversation turn to Harry Potter?" You asked.

Nerris shrugs, smiling. "I don't know but I want the conversation about Harry Potter to continue, because talking about Max is boring..." Nerris states. Causing the four of you to laugh.

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