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Tyler woke up to henry, awake as ever, dancing to 'it's you', tyler never realized how adorable henry looks dancing. he decided to record and send it to him a few minutes later, so he recorded the whole thing. After he finished recording, he decided to stand up as quietly as he can and sing.

"Please don't break my heart, don't tear me apart~" I turned around to see tyler singing. I kind of blushed and just stared at him. He later walked up to me and picked me up by the waist. He started swinging me around, which I kind of liked. The next song started playing. Tyler put me down.

"Now he's grabbing his hips, pulling him in, kissing his lips~" the lyrics slowly said, and tyler kissed me. I kissed back. Brandon came into the room. I didn't care and forced tyler to ignore him.

"Hey lovebirds, I brought some food if you want any." brandon told us.

"Honestly i feel like a third wheel in this fucking house." brandon said. He left

Ani laughed. I let go of tyler.

"Wait ani is still here?" iasked.

"Yup,"she replied.

She sent tyler and i a video. I completely forgot i had my door opened. Ani recorded the whole thing. I blushed out of embarrassment. Tyler sent me a video to.

"Tyler i want to kill you" i said

"Not ani? She recorded the entire fucking thing!" tyler replied in a fake annoyance tone.

"Anyways i'm going to heat up some tea" said ani as she left.

I decided to go on the couch and scroll through my phone. Tyler went out on the bouchany. He plugged his headphones into his phone.

"Ani can you heat up a hot pocket" I asked her.

"Since im here why not." she replied

I looked over at tyler again and he seemed to be drawing. I came up behind him trying to see what he was drawing. He seemed to be drawing a rabbit that was in our backyard. I went back inside.

"Ani are any vegetables or fruit in the fridge?" I asked her.

"Uh, there's a box of strawberries." ani said handing the strawberries to me.

I went downstairs to the backyard. I threw a strawberry at the rabbit's paws. It was honestly adorable to see it eat. I took a picture of it. I looked up and tyler was laughing at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Anytime you see an animal you want to feed it." he was still chuckling

"Well fuck you to!" I went back inside and went onto the bouchany and wrapped my arms around tyler.

"Nice drawing" i said staring at the picture.

"I'm surprised you didn't scare it away" tyler replied.

"Well fucking, you're welcome" i laughed a little.

Ani came outside.

"Hey what's going on?" she asked as she drank from her cup.

I pointed to tyler's drawing.

"Oh that's good!" ani looked at the drawing.

I guess tyler was focused because he didn't say anything. Ani and I went back inside and watched a movie

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