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I've tried going to bed, but my roommates wont stop playing mario kart at full volume.

"Hey. can you guys shut the fuck up?" I asked in an annoyed tone.

"Sorry brandon. I thought you were going through reddit." replied tyler.

"Brandon just use your damn pillow." said  henry lowering the volume.

"Thanks. Bye now.''

I managed to fall asleep but i got awoken by henry and tyler talking. I tried going back to sleep but i couldn't help but hear a little bit of the conversation.

"So, now do you want to do?" asked henry.

"I do- what the fuck are you doing?" replied tyler.

"Touching your hair" said henry in a smug voice.

"Stop!" said tyler giggling.

It went silent for a moment.

"Have I ever told you how adorable you are? Your voice, just everything about you." said henry smiling.

"Oh, um, uh, thanks." replied tyler, blushing.

"C-can I, um, kiss you?" asked tyler, hesitantly.

After that I crossed the line.

"Okay im not going to sleep while hearing you to flirting and making out," I said.

They were almost touching lips until I barged into the room. Tyler almost fell off the bed.

"FUCK" said tyler as i barged into the room.

"Oh, um, hi brandon" said henry scratching the back of his neck.

"Next time knock god dammit." said tyler struggling to stay on the bed.

"Sorry just do whatever the fuck you want, just dont flirt or start having sex." I said jokingly.

Tyler and henry laughed nervously as I exclaimed that. I went back to bed and i guess they did to because I didn't hear anything for the rest of the night.

uwu this story is going to suck ass.

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