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That night the three of them decided to watch a movie. Tyler was scrolling through netflix to see what movie to watch. Henry was laying his head on tyler's lap and brandon was in the kitchen making some popcorn.

"That one!" henry pointed to Suicide Squad.

"Henry are you serious?" tyler asked.

"Yes". henry stared at tyler.

"If you we don't watch this you'll regret it"

"Uhh, what do you mean i'll regret it?" tyler was a bit concerned.

"Alright then" henry said.

Henry sat up, put his hand on tyler's cheek and french kissed him. Tyler actually enjoyed it and kissed him back. Henry bit tyler's lip as they separated. Tyler let out a small groan. Henry let out a small sigh and a smile and laid back on tylers lap.

"Fine we're watching suicide squad." tyler said

"Yes!" henry smiled at tyler.

"Brandon what do you think of watching Suicide Squad?" tyler asked brandon.

"Sure" brandon came back with the popcorn, a bowl for henry and tyler, and a bowl for him.

-after the movie is over-

Brandon took the popcorn bowls to the sink and left to his room.

"So what do you want to do now?" tyler asked.

Henry without hesitation french kissed tyler again. They made out on the couch. Henry put his hand under tylers hoodie, not taking it off, but keeping his hands on tyler's shoulder, under his shirt. Tyler laid down while henry was on top of him, still making out. Tyler was going up and down with his hands on henry's waist. They later fell asleep on the couch cuddling each other, while tyler scratched henry's head.

-in the morning-

Tyler woke up to henry, still sleeping, kissing him. Tyler smiled and kissed him back. Tyler wanted to get up, so he picked up henry bridal style and took him to his bed. As he was leaving henry's room he heard him talking.

"Please don't leave" said henry, faking his sad voice.

Tyler turned around to stare at him. Henry had put on puppy eyes. Tyler could never resist puppy eyes.

"Fine." tyler rolled his eyes with a smile.

Henry smiled as tyler walked over. Tyler laid down on his bed. Henry laid down sideways , his upper body on tyler's chest and his legs on the bed. Tyler wrapped his arms around him. Tyler kissed his forehead. They cuddled on the for a while. Ani later burst through the door.

"Hey there" ani said giving a 'sup' nod.

Henry was starting to fall asleep again, so he didn't realize ani was there. He shifted so he could bury his face in tyler's neck. Ani and tyler gave out a small laugh

"I love you babe." henry said in a tired voice. He slowly drifted to sleep. Tyler just sat there blushing and ani laughing. She came into the room and sat on their bed.

"Want me to bring you something since you can't move?" ani asked.

"No im good." tyler chuckled at henry.

Ani walked out of the room.

"Hey before you leave, how did you come in?" tyler asked.

"Oh, well brandon is at walmart getting food, and he gave me a house key a while ago." ani responded before she walked out of the room.

Tyler was starting to slowly drift off in with his boyfriend in his arms. He kissed him before finally passing out.

ewww I cringed so hard making this ccvsakvhfshbfiv

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