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I woke up in the morning by, you guess who, tyler and henry. They were in henry's recording room playing minecraft.

"Is there a day you bitches don't wake me up?" I asked in an annoyed tone.

They didn't even respond so i just started making some breakfast for the three of us. Tyler walked up behind me.

"You sure you won't burn the house down?" he asked.

"Nope. I took cooking classes in high school ." I said trying to be smart.

Henry walked into the living room and watched some TV. I made the three of us some bacon and eggs.

"Did you burn the kitchen?" asked henry jokingly.

"God dammit no i didn't." I replied.

Tyler left to his room so i just left his plate in the microwave. Late i heard kwite singing in his room.
Hills burn in california, might turn to ignore ya." he sang.

'Is he really listening to billie eilish?' I thought.

Henry later joined in with him.

"Don't say I didn't warn ya." he sang

I just left to my room without saying anything. I decided to sleep a bit more, but I woke up to the sound of those pricks, flirting again god dammit. And like before, I couldn't help but listen in. I can tell tyler had his hand on henry's chest.
"Can you stop?" I asked giggling.

"I can touch whatever i want!" tyler replied.

"Oh, um, ok?" I said.

Tyler realized what he said.

"Oh shit i didn't mean it like that!" tyler said taking his hand off of my chest and blushing.

I laughed.

"Tyler i love you so much. You're so innocent it's honestly so cute.'' I told him.

Tyler blushed. I grabbed his hand and forced him in a hand lock. He giggled. Tyler pushed the back of my head to his lips. I kissed back. After we let go, tyler asked me something that forever changed my life.

"Will you, um, I can't bring myself to say this, uh, can you be my,-" I didn't let him finish.

"YES!" I said as I pulled him into a hug.

"First off, i can barley fuckin breathe, second," *hugs back"

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