The Little One Becomes Suspicious

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Sup, it's me again. Sorry once again for taking so long to update. I honestly never expected for this book to have as much interest as it does and honestly, it's really flattering. I'm also working on like two other books as well as different one shots from fandoms here and there so there's that too—and I was away at camp for the first two weeks of July and we're only allowed our electronics for thirty minutes every like three days—and that time was reserved for calling family. Otherwise my mom woulda blown a gasket ¯\_()_/¯ But on the bright side, it did give me some time to brainstorm ideas about his book and other ones too so yay to that!

Anyways, I'll get on with the story now. Hope you enjoy!

"But why does Wendy have to be apart of the plan?" Lilia whined as she glanced back to the girl waiting idly beside the cage she was just in. Although Peter had agreed to let her tag along on his and Felix's little quest, she hadn't actually considered what it was that they were doing—she just wanted to be with her brother. She wasn't expecting for them to go to the cages, the place her brother put people as punishment, and see Wendy freaking Darling, the girl she hated almost as much as she hated the mermaids, be lowered down to the ground from inside her cage.

Lilia disliked the girl immensely, but not because she liked her brother—which she didn't; Wendy may have found him attractive, as all girls do, but she never explicitly had a crush on him—no, Lilia disliked her because this girl was stupid: insufferably stupid.

When Wendy had first came to Neverland, it was a surprise to everyone that Peter let her stay around as long as she did; too long, if you ask Lilia, as she was always stealing her brother's attention away from her—of course Wendy hadn't actually known of her until her second trip back, so she couldn't of really known that she was stealing attention from Lilia, but those were just little details that didn't really matter. Anyways, the real problem with Wendy was that she misinterpreted everything; she thought the boys were crying to go home and that the shadow wouldn't let them, but it wasn't true. Yes, the boys were crying, but that was because of nightmares, which were usually about their past home lives; Lilia knows that because Gavin, her favourite of the Lost Boys (other than her brother and Felix), and her best friend other than Snippy, had been one of them. Gavin's home life was terrible. He had very abusive parents and when he cried some nights, he told Lilia that he was scared his dad would come back for him and beat him for leaving home.

But Wendy was too dumb to understand that. She thought the boys were being held here against their will, but we're too afraid of Pan to advocate for their release. So she started telling stories to the boys about parents to make them nostalgic and want to leave the island; Peter noticed this and forced her to leave. He didn't like her manipulating the boys. She was gone for a year or so, which was multiple years in Neverland, and Lilia was happy; but the happiness didn't stay for long because the bitch came back, claiming that the shadow had stolen one of her brother's and demanding for him back.

Lilia didn't know how she came back, and she didn't really care for the reason why; she just wanted her to get the hell off the island. Besides, sometimes the shadow does things on its own accord; so Peter probably didn't send it out to steal her brother anyway—and he certainly wouldn't of done that if he'd known that it meant that she would return.

When Peter just laughed at her, Wendy did something that made her blood boil:

She called her brother a monster.

And that was when Lilia decided to reveal herself by trying to beat the crap out of her—and she would've too, hadn't Peter grabbed her first. She was still a little testy about that, but was satisfied when Wendy was put in a cage. As far as Lilia was concerned, the girl deserved to be in there. No one could just insult her brother like that, especially not someone who didn't know anything at all, like Wendy:

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