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Hey people sorry I haven't updated lately I've got lots of homework but since I am now writing this in America since I'm taking a trip to Florida to see family, I had time in the car to kill. So yeah :) oh and also the title will make sense once u read. Trust.

Hope you enjoy.

"LILIA!!" Devin exclaimed, concerned for the young girl that Regina was approaching dangerously, her arm raised as if to cast a spell. He looked at Snow and Emma to see if they were going to stop this, but he only saw Emma holding Snow back, a look of contempt on her face which was directed towards Lilia. Clearly she didn't like what she'd said either.

"Pan's gonna kill you for this, I swear he will," Devin promised as warningly as possibly. The dark look in Regina's eyes only deepened. "I'm not afraid of Pan," she murmured, ready to strike out at the frightened girl.

"Too bad."

Everyone whipped their heads to the side, eyes wide and shocked as they land on Pan, who was standing in front of the bush he was previously behind, Snippy standing beside him, snarling loudly and dangerously. But hundreds of thousands of that little wolf wouldn't even come close to comparing with the absolute darkness that Pan was emitting off himself. His face bore a deadly expression and his eyes seemed as if they could kill every single one of them with a single glance. To sum it up, Pan looked mortifying; and he looked like a predator out for blood.

Not a good combination.

Pan approached then step by step, which the adults retreated with each one; seemingly the only intelligent choice they'd made in the past two hours. "If you were afraid of me, you'd know not to do something so stupid," he spoke, his tone by itself cold enough to make Antarctica feel like a sauna. Without a single movement on Pan's behalf, the ropes that were restraining Devin were demolished. "Devin return to the camp," he commanded the boy, voice leaving no room for argument. Devin nodded, feeling a lot more scared than he had when the queen had ripped his heart out. He took one last look at Lilia before fleeing the scene.

Regina, although clearly intimidated, huffed out angrily. "Maybe if you hadn't done something so stupid as taking my son, I wouldn't have to," she snapped back.

"Peter...." Lilia breathes out softly, relief and happiness slowly coming back within her. Pan's eyes flickered to her for a moment and a look of pure sorrow befell on his features. His poor baby girl looked so shaken and afraid. Forcing his eyes back to the perpetrators, he glared at them icily before magically disintegrating the shackles holding Lilia's hands. The girl immediately rubbed her hands and Pan was infuriated to see that they were red and blistering.

"You took my sister," he stated calmly, "and you held her captive. You forced her to watch as you ripped the heart out of and controlled one of the boys that she cares about so dearly, you threatened and blackmailed her, you chained her up," he gritted his teeth, trying to control himself from destroying the entire island with his rage, "and worse of all, you made her bleed."

Regina scoffed and rolled her eyes, clearly not affected by his dramatics. "These are the consequences for messing with Henry," she said to him, smirking smugly. A huge mistake really.

Pan shifted his gaze to Lilia. She was currently hugging Snippy, crying and sniffling into his fur as the wolf whined and licked at her face and sores as if to try and heal them. "Don't look bean," he whispered softly, knowing that his sister would hear him. Then he transported himself in front of Regina and lifted her off the ground by the neck.

The queen gasped and started to choke, her hands clawing at the one wrapped around her neck, but Pan only squeezed harder and stiffened. He heard the shuffling of feet as Emma and Snow tried to help Regina but he quickly subdued them by tying them up in tight vines. He glanced at them slightly before greatly increasing the amount of pressure in the vines, causing the mother and daughter to start gasping and yelling in pain. Which was great.

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