Meeting Lilia

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Heyo! I've recently been obsessed with Peter Pan from ouat for some reason and I wanted to write about him having a little sister because I thought the idea would be so cute! Anyways, imma keep this brief and I hope you enjoy!

"For the love of....." Emma cursed under her breath before calling back to the crew. "It moved again!"

A collective groan was heard amongst them, as they knew exactly what she was talking about. Pan had given Emma a map to find Henry that she had know been able to read once she "admitted who she truly was", but Pan, being Pan, kept moving his camp in different locations, making it hard for Emma and the gang to keep track.

"That sneaky little....." Regina refrained herself from saying anything unpleasant. "At this rate, we'll never find Henry!" "Maybe we're better without the map after all," David suggested. "On the contrary, mate. Without that map, we all will play the victim to this bloody predator of an island," Hook inputed. David frowned at him, but even he knew that the pirate was right. The map had been useful in letting them avoid any dangerous patches on the island, including the lakes where the mermaids dwelled, and patches of dreamshade plants in the thick forest. But even with that, the map wasn't very helpful in its true purpose: finding Henry.

As the rest of the group debated on what exactly to do next, Emma closed her eyes and sighed, resting her head against her fist. She was so tired of this. Tired of Pan's stupid games, tired of David and Hook's constant squabbling, tired of Snow's aggravating positivity, tired of Regina's recklessness, tired of all of it. What she wouldn't give for a few good hours of sleep.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a sound in the bushes. Emma looked behind her, noticing that the rest of the group had heard it too. Suddenly everybody was on their feet, Emma, David, and Hook with their swords drawn, Regina with her hands fisted, ready to fight, and Snow holding her bow with a cautious but firm grip. "Everybody stand on guard," Hook whispered in a hoarse, but tight voice. "This could very well be one of Pan's boys, sent to drag us off track."

From behind him, Regina snorted. "Because our track had so much progress to begin with...." she muttered in a resentful tone. Hook shot her a look and she raised her eyebrows at him, but neither said anything else. The rustling continued in a steady pace that was approaching Emma's side, so everyone turned her way, ready to strike.

"Get ready, here it comes," Emma hissed, gripping her sword tightly. Everyone held their breaths, ready for a fight.

What they saw, they were definitely not prepared for.

The group was surprised with a shocking sight: a girl. A little, blonde girl with striking green eyes, who couldn't of been more than 7. She did not seem lost, more so confused as to why they were there. Once she got closer, Emma was noticing she was also eating something.... a bun. A bread bun, to be exact. Looking around, she shared a confused look with everybody. What would a 6 or 7 year old child be wandering around Neverland, eating bread for? And a girl one, for that matter? Everybody knew girls were not allowed on Neverland.

She frowned at them, swallowing her mouthful of food, before asking, "who're you people?"

Mary Margaret, always the pacifist, was the first to put down her weapons. "Honey, are you lost? Where did you come from?" She asked softly, bending down to the girl's level. The young girl frowned deeper, eyeing Mary Margaret with suspicion. "The camp. Who are you?" She asked again. "She knows about the camp?" Hook questioned, putting his sword away. Regina almost immediately dropped her hands. Seeing everyone putting down their weapons, Emma sheathed her own. "Take us to the camp," Regina damn near commanded. The girl sneered at her, obviously not keen on being told what to do. "Why should I? I don't even know you're names," she said, sassily putting her hand on her hip as she took another bite from her bun.

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