Finding Lilia - part one

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Sup, I'm back. So imma  just state this now, part two of finding Lilia won't be for a while, but there are going to be chapters in between. You'll eventually see why.

Lilia stumbled about, trying to keep from falling or tripping as the blue shirt man—or Bae, she supposed—dragged her through the forest, his apparent father keeping pace behind them. She had half a mind to try and shift something into a weapon of some sort, or maybe even chuck a rock or two at the man, but she was far too concerned about her brother, who she had been mercilessly dragged away from. She knew he was in a bad situation and she longed to help him; but she couldn't do that with these people dragging her about!

When the running ceased and they finally came to a stop, Lilia felt his grip loosen slightly—it was enough for her to rip her arm out of his hold. She quickly scanned around her, desperate to find something to throw at him, before a realization nearly made her smack a hand to her forehead at her stupidity: she had her knife! Quickly, Lilia backed up a good few steps and unsheathed it, pointing it at them threateningly. "Who are you," she asked them, her voice shaking, although she was clenching her free hand, "and what did you do to my brother?!"

The blue shirt man who had been holding her sighed, grumbling something about "of course Pan lets her play with knives" and approached her cautiously, putting a hand out. His slow pace of walking did nothing to appease Lilia and she started to shuffle backwards as he came forwards. "Listen honey, you should put that away, you don't want to get hurt," he told her. Lilia scowled at him. "I know how to use this," she snarled at him. The man with the paint on his face rolled his eyes while blue shirt sighed again. They both clearly did not believe her and it was irritating. Scowling harder, she lined up her aim and flung the knife towards his shoulder; she decided she didn't want to kill them, but she did want to hurt them as payback for hurting her brother.

Blue shirt's eyes widened as the knife hurled towards him at high speed, clearly not expecting such a powerful throw from such a young girl. This made her smirk smugly, although it quickly dropped into a gaping expression when the man in dark clothes suddenly— teleported in front of blue shirt and caught the knife, a threatening look on his face. Lilia was shocked to say the very least. How was he man able to do that?! She swore only her brother knew how to teleport, how did he know how?!

Paint face dropped the knife and started to move towards her. As soon as he took one footstep, Lilia turned and immediately starting running for it. She didn't want the freaky man anywhere near her. However, the guy used his freaky magic again and teleported from black dust right in front of her, surprising Lilia enough for her to be grabbed. She thrashed around in his grip, screaming. "LET ME GO!" She yelled, trying to hit him. Paint face waved his hand in front of her face, light red smoke emitting from his palm. She wrinkled her nose a bit as it came near her, the substance tickling slightly. What was that for? The dark clothes man looked at her with shock, before looking at his hand as if it were suddenly defective. Now Lilia was extremely confused. He grabbed her only to blow red smoke in her face? For what?!?!?!!

"Hey what the hell do you think you're doing?!" Blue shirt exclaimed, running over and practically ripping Lilia from his grasp, though paint face did not resist. Lilia kicked around until she was set back down on the ground. Paint face looked up at him with shock. "I tried to use a sleeping spell on her; it didn't work. How could it possibly not—" he stopped and closed his eyes, sighing irritatedly. "What? What is it?" Blue shirt asked upon hearing his sigh. Paint face turned towards him. "Pan must've put a charm on her so that she's immune to anyone else's magic but his own," he explained, eyeing Lilia with annoyance as if she was the problem. Lilia returned the look, sticking her tongue out at the guy indignantly. It was neither her nor Peter's fault that he was better at magic than everybody else.

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