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Pulling up to the club that my father once owned I was in complete awe. Kamir had definitely turned the place out . The outside of the club was completely remodeled. But what stood out the most was the name. Big as day it read DE'ZIRE . Now I hadn't entirely put two & two together , but I knew enough to know that De'Zire was the chick from the picture , and also the same bitch Kamir had the audacity to bring to Miami with him . Though Kamir had been ignoring me for weeks , I had plenty of connections to help keep me updated on him. So I knew exactly when he arrived here in Miami two days ago. I had camped out at the airport waiting for him. But I was caught off guard when not only he walked out , but the hoe that was hanging on his arm along with two other girls , his homeboy and two body guards . Though it was a crowd of them , I could only see Kamir & the woman he was with . The woman that looked way to comfortable walking with my man . Every nerve in my body came alive as I stared at the two of them . But I couldn't take my eyes off of them , That's exactly why I had been following them the last two days . I followed the chick mostly , I was glad that for the most part the two of them was apart . That gave me space to do my homework on De'Zire . She was a beautiful girl , but didn't have shit on me . So I couldn't comprehend why Kamir was so far up her ass . Now as I climbed out the car , wearing my finest attire I felt sick to my stomach approaching the club . Here I was thinking that Kamir and I had something and he was out here naming clubs after bitches . I could literally feel my blood boiling . I loved Kamir , and I would do whatever it took to get him to see that . So I pulled myself together and threw on my game face ! It was time to make some fucking noise .
I had been so caught up in my thoughts I had almost forgot that Reina Had Accompanied me tonight . Girl this club is nice , she said excitedly as we walked inside . I purposely ignored her . One I wasn't in the mood to be giving compliments to Kamir Club , and secondly because Reina was so damn blonde that she couldn't see how serious tonight really was for me . I was tired of Kamir playing with me . I had stayed in my lane long enough but now it was time I started demanding my respect from the man I planned to spend the rest of my life with . Walking into the club , the scenery was everything . The way Kamir had the club decked out from top to bottom showed just how much money he really had . Not that it did anything for me , I had my own money but I couldn't see myself with a broke nigga so Kamir being a real boss was only a bonus for me . As we made our way through the club I scanned around looking to spot Kamir . Surprisingly I didn't have to search for long . What's going on Every body ? I heard his deep baritone voice boom through the Mic . I followed his voice to the stage. I couldn't even front just the sight of him in his all white , fresh cut & dripped in gold had my pussy wet as fuck . I had to slow my breathing down as I made my way to find the spot I had renovated for Reina and I . Once we made it , Reina ordered us a bottle . Girl it's time to turn up ! Reina said hyped . I was only barely hearing her because Kamir had my full attention . I wanna thank you all for coming out tonight , welcoming me to your beautiful city . The crowd cheered . Tonight is a big night for me . Not only because club De'Zire has opened , but also because I'm hoping for this to be one of the happiest nights of my life . I would like to bring my lady to the stage. De'Zire ! Hearing those words made my heart drop to my feet . This Nigga was really about to flaunt this bitch on stage in my fucking city . I scanned the crowd waiting for her to approach the stage . Finally I saw her making her way up the steps rocking a tight fitting all white Gucci dress . Her hair was in a short burgundy Bob with a perfect blunt cut . As she made her way next to Kamir the crowd erupted as if she was some kind of queen . The sight alone had my blood boiling . I wanted to run up on that damn stage and drag that bitch back off . But I had to keep my shit together . I needed a little more time to see where the hell he was going with this. De'Zire you know that I love you more than the life I live . You are my rider , my bestfriend and soul mate . You are carrying my child and have literally put up with me for years . That's why tonight , I wanted to ask you a serious question . Next thing I know Kamir was dropping down on one knee . The moment he went into his pocket and pulled out the small box my heart rate sped up , and my palms became sweaty . This couldn't be happening right now . Kamir could not be about to do this to me . Will you marry me ? I heard Kamir voice echo inside my head . The crowd erupted in cheers & screams . I could see De'Zire crying now as she stared down at The ring in front of her . I swear everything in the room stood still as I waited for her response . Yes Kamir . Yes I will marry you . She said . I was literally frozen in place . When I came here tonight to get Kamir back the last thing I expected to see was this shit . Not only was he marrying the bitch but she was also carrying his child . Jealousy and rage filled my body as I stared at the two of them hugging . I envied De'Zire like never before . I wanted this bitches head on a fucking platter . As the party began to pick back up and Kamir ended his speech my eyes followed De'Zire rushing off to the ladies room . I stood up , I'll b back I told Reina as I threw my drink back . I then headed in the direction of the ladies room .
By the time I made it inside the ladies room De'Zire must of already been In a stall . I pulled out my lipstick & began to apply a fresh coat to my lips . I didn't even know what I planned to say . I didn't even know if I planned to say anything at all . I just needed to see her face up close . I needed to know who the woman was that Kamir was so in love with . Before I could come up with a plan De'Zire came rushing out the stall . She walked up beside me and began to wash her hands . Damn this baby keep me running . She said . I knew she was just thinking out loud but I took that as a cue to spark up a conversation . Oh my gosh , you're the girl from the stage. Congratulations! I said excitedly. For the first time it seemed De'Zire had noticed my presence . She turned to me & smiled . I couldn't front she was even more beautiful up close . Thank you . She said . I can't believe he proposed . She said . For a moment it was silent while I washed her dry her hands & fix her hair . I couldn't find any more words for her . Being so close to the only thing standing between me & Kamir had my thoughts running wild . I was to grab her & strangle the life out of her ! I wanted her to feel the pain I was feeling right now . She didn't give me much time to act on my thoughts . Thanks again , she said grabbing her purse & rushing out the bathroom . As I watched her go I could feel my jealousy seeping through my pores . It was so strong I felt I could smell it . I wanted what she had . She was beautiful , she was happy & she had a man that loved her enough to marry her . I couldn't understand how Kamir could make love to me the way he did when he had a woman at home the whole time . My heart was aching badly . I had to pull myself together . I had to keep my game face on . Kamir & I was going to be together one way or another . I just had to be smart about it.
I made my way back to my section . As soon as I sat down I turned up the bottle that had been on the table . I needed liquor in my system quick . Are you alright girl ? Reina asked me . I put on my best smile . I'm fine . I said . Reina stared at me suspiciously. That guy who was on stage . Isn't that the guy you had me researching for you ? She asked . I rolled my eyes Reina was getting on my damn nerves. I didn't have time for 21 questions right now. I had my eyes on Kamir VIP section . Reina please , don't start . I told her keeping my eyes on the prize . Senae you really shouldn't be chasing after another man . As you can see this man has a family ! Reina said . My head snapped around . Reina you really should mind your own damn business ! I snapped . What I do , or who I do doesn't concern your ass! I turnt the bottle up again . I stared at Kamir long and hard . If looks could kill he probably would have dropped dead right there . He leaned over & tonged De'Zire down . I mean the kiss was so Deep I could feel it ! It was the same way he kissed me , while we made love . I couldn't take it anymore . I couldn't stand to sit back & Watch Kamir interact with another woman . Fuck this ! I said turning the bottle up one more time . Reina followed my eyes realizing what I had been watching . I stood up . It was time I put a end to this shit once & for all . I started in the direction of where they were seated . It was like Kamir felt my presence . Because his eyes instantly locked on mine ! His smile was now plastered into a frown! Senae don't do this , I heard Reina say behind me . But it was to late ! I was no longer in control of my own thoughts . I was no longer thinking for self anymore . All I knew was I needed to put a end to this shit now ! Reina jumped in front of me & began trying to turn me around . I literally blacked out in that moment . Though it wasn't Reina I was mad at , when she grabbed me I blacked out . I grabbed a handful of her hair and began punching her in the face . At that point my bestfriend was no longer my bestfriend . At that point she was every one In my life who had ever hurt me . She was my brothers , My father , Markis & Kamir all in one . The only goal in my mind was to demolish this bitch! I didn't know how much time has passed before I felt my body being lifted up from the floor . I was kicking and swing wildly . Let Me Go ! I yelled . Let Me the fuck Go . I was on a rampage now . I couldn't calm down , my blood was boiling and I wanted to destroy everything around me . But as if Kamir hadn't done enough , when I looked to see if he was at least coming behind me to talk to me . My heart was broke again as I watched him sit comfortably next to De'Zire as if I was nobody to him . As if I meant nothing to him ! I was thrown out of his club flat on my ass . As I stood up and fixed my self , couldn't help the tears that began streaming down face . I felt so belittled . I felt less than. The feeling I felt now I had grown accustomed to . I was tired of feeling this way . I was tired of being the victim . As I looked back one more time at the big sparkly De'Zire Sign , a evil smile crept onto my face . If Kamir wouldn't be with me , he damn sho wouldn't be with her ! I had been being patient , but now I was about to go full fucking throttle ! Anything and every one In my way would feel my wrath !!!!! It was time I got what was owed to me .

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