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I stared back at my reflection in the mirror , and smiled . I was looking good rocking a white two piece skirt set . I loved it because the skirt was long & tight fitting , while the halter top , stopped just above my belly button.  The out fit left little to the imagination but also was classy & sexy.  I admired myself in the mirror from head to toe.  I looked A lot like my mother who was Hispanic.  I had her long curly hair & full pouty lips . I sighed as my mother crossed my mind.  I missed her so much words couldn't explain. My mother had disappeared when I was 8 years old. Only one of the worst days of my life. I had always felt in my heart that my father had A lot to do with it ! He was evil . For as long as I could remember , my father had controlled,  belittled & treated my mother like Shit.  He barely aloud her to leave the house , she was to stay home & cater to him & my brothers.  He would allow my brothers to disrespect my mother beyond words. And from time to time they would bully and pick on me too . For the most part my mother protected me with everything in her.  She would always tell me , one day I'm going to get us out of here . We don't belong here ! These people .. they are inhuman.  They care for no one . I would sit quietly on her lap . Hanging on to her every word . At that time I didn't know just how bad things really were.  When my mother disappeared things changed drastically. I guess I never really knew just how much my mother was protecting me from.  My life ended when my mother left . I became enslaved . My father allowed my brothers to do as they please with me.  At only 8 years old , my innocence was snatched away from me repeatedly.  My brothers would leave me in my room for days & take turns having there way with me.  All except my youngest brother Dayton . He was the one right above me and also shared the same mother as me . Unlike the older 5 boys . He tried his hardest to protect me . But it was like a pack of lions against baby kittens . Still Dayton would sneak me food & water when I was locked in my room for days .
  My life had been a living Hell .  The men that were supposed to love me most . Had stripped everything from me.  Even my sanity.  I took my first trip to a mental hospital when I was 11 years old.  But that was only the beginning  . I soon found that being locked in a crazy house was better than being locked in a lions den . I always thought when I became an adult I could get far away from my family and start over.  But as I said before My father Jet was controlling. My 18th birthday I remember sitting across from my father in his office. My brothers Carlos & David stood at each of his sides. My father stared at me with hard eyes while puffing his cigar. Now that you are 18 what do you plan to do with yourself ? He said . I sat up straight in my chair . I didn't want to appear weak in his presence.  I hated to show my feelings because over the years it only added to the abuse.  Well I would like to go to college. Out of state.  I said in a small voice.  Though I was grown in that moment my father made me feel smaller than a dot . He began to chuckle . Then fell out in full laughter . My brothers joined in . How do you expect to pay for college ? You don't have any money!  You've never worked A day in your life.  And if you even think someone would be willing to hire a nut case like you.  You are wrong!  He snapped . Those words stung so deep , I couldn't help the tears that spilled from my eyes . Now you listen to me my father continued . You owe me ! I've been paying all your Damn medical bills for years . And for what ? For you to still come home bat Shit crazy . You will work for me ! If you want to move out FINE.  But you will contribute in the family business . He said sternly . Right then I knew I would never lead a normal life . I knew that just like a piece of property I belonged to Ryan Dream . And he wouldn't let me go if his life depended on it .
  Pushing those thoughts to the back of mind , I glanced at the clock on the wall . It Was 6:15pm . I smiled , Kamirs plane was to land at 6:30 . I was picking him up from the airport . I couldn't deny the excitement I was feeling . I didn't know what it was about Kamir . Maybe his confidence,  his independence or his whole mentality.  That made me want him so Damn bad . Being in his presence made me feel complete . That was exactly what I needed . I glanced in the mirror one last time & then grabbed my MK bag & headed out the door.  We had to be at my father's by 7 , for a meeting . Last thing we needed to be was late .
  I eyed Kamir hungrily as he walked toward me . He was dressed to impress . Wearing a blue Armani Suit , with some white snake skin loafers . He had his usual flashy jewelry.  A fresh cut & I swear I could smell his cologne in the air . I instantly got butterflies in my stomach . Kamir was a work of art . Hmm hmm ,  . God definitely took his time with this one . I said. When he approached me , I stepped into his warm embrace.  He wrapped his arms around me tightly . From the bulge in his pants I could tell he was happy to see me too.I couldn't wait to have him all to myself the next few days. What's up Ma ? He said looking me up & down. I could feel myself blushing , hey I missed you . I said sweetly . Is that right ? Kamir said smirking . I nodded . Well let's handle this business so I can make up for lost time . He said smacking my Ass.  I chuckled and tossed him the keys . You drive . I said getting on the passengers side .
    Pulling up to my father's house my mood instantly changed . I was trying my hardest to not let my frustration show . I contemplated on popping two of my Anxiety pills . But quickly decided against it . I wasn't ready to introduce that part of me to Kamir yet . You straight ma ? Kamir asked breaking me from my thoughts . I looked at him & smiled . Yes I'm fine . I said assuring him . Just ready to get this over with . I said honestly . Kamir stared at me a moment longer & then finally opened his door to get out . I took a quick glance in the mirror & then followed suit . I didn't know why being in the presence of Kamir , my father's & brothers at the same time gave me a ill feeling . My family had a way of belittling me around people . I didn't want to run Kamir off . Approaching the door my father & David stood on the porch.  As always my father had a cigar in his mouth & a frown on his face . I looked up at Kamir to see if I could read him . But his look was blank . He was stone faced & walked with his head held high . I felt my body ease , seeing him so comfortable made me feel better . I had never met anyone so confident in my  father's presence . I couldn't deny that I was falling for this guy who I barely even knew . I felt protected and complete with him and in this life of sin , that was all I needed .

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