T.V & Movie References

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-- WARNING, if you get offended easily then just skip the rest of this little Author's Rant --

                 (I Warned You - Don't complain about this Later)

There are many times when, while writing Fan-Fiction, the dialogue can be Difficult to come up with (in a manor of speaking) especially when you can't really think of anything for them to say at that specific moment in time.

Now, maybe if by chance or once in a while, you happen to be listening to music or watching t.v in the moment you're typing and trying to figure out what to say and something just randomly pops into your head. Then by the time you're looking it over, you notice a small piece here and there where you accidently made a reference to what you were doing at that moment in time.

This, in itself, is not a crime. (at least not in my personal opinion)

But. For some strange reason. The reader's always seemingly find a reason to point it out.

Which I honestly don't understand why. 

Why do you people feel the need to point it out? 

And then why do you all feel the need to discuss it on the comments board?

I can say with all Honesty and Confusion. I don't understand it at all.

Why?     Just..... Why?

It annoys me to no freaking end. Jeez.


For an Example, I'll use some of my Fan-Fictions


Ex.1)      "You make me Suicidal" (YMMS) - A Kiba love story

Naruto- 'Rei, the past is in the past....... he's gone now, what's there to still be worried about?'

(Apparently, people thought I was making a reference to "Frozen - Let it go".... I wasn't.... The thought hadn't even crossed my mind, Honestly)


Reika- 'I suppose the puppy's gotta have at least some form of enjoyment on this high road to Hell. Hahaha I wonder how that would make for a song. I think it would be funny.'

(This in fact actually was a reference to "AC/DC - Highway to Hell" to which apparently I was the only one who thought it was funny, but I don't care about that..... Yet some people feel the need to point out that its "Highway" and not "High Road" to which.....

I ALREADY FREAKING KNOW PEOPLE!! I'M NOT AN IDIOT, IT WAS A BAD JOKE AND I KNOW THAT!!! Jeez. Hell [No pun] --- why even bother to point out what is Obvious?)


Ex.2)      "Dysfunctional Romance" (DR) - A Kakashi love story

Kakashi - 'Ugghhh I mentally shuddered..... Sparkles....... a man should NEVER sparkle.'

(Apparently, people thought I was making a reference to "Twilight" and its multitude of Sparkling Vampire boys.... well NEWS FLASH! - I WASN'T!!! 

And since they think that, because of who knows why? - They seem to of gotten it into their heads that I, in my actual person hate Twilight because of this comment. I DON'T!!!

QUIT JUMPING TO SUCH STUPID CONCLUSIONS PEOPLE! - I have nothing against it. It was just a freaking comment, meant to be funny - It was NOT a reference to Twilight or anything related / regarding the subject. - It Honestly never crossed my mind!!!!! - Jeez....)


Kori- 'If I was actually here....... I might actually let you touch me'

(Apparently, someone thought I was making a reference to "G.I.Joe: Rise of Cobra"

I'm going to kindly say that It wasn't, In fact, It had never even crossed my mind until it was pointed out not a few minutes ago. No. I really wasn't. It just happened to turn out that way.... course, it is possible that it was somewhere in my head at some point in time.

And if I'm right about that, it would of probably gotten in my head after watching the movie and it just randomly came into my head as I began to type the story.

So, I'm willing to split it in Half - It is in reference to the movie but I hadn't meant for it to come out that way....

Alright, That fine with everyone? Because I'm not going to compromise any more than that)


*Mentally sighing* Now that THAT'S out of my system. 

[A/N: I would like to ask that anyone reading this understands that everything I say in these rants is the Truth, and not just things I make up to sound like I know what I'm talking about.

These are the Honestly Blunt and Random Thoughts / Rants that literally go through my head and Genuinely drive me crazy... 

I know its probably not something you'd believe but that is the truth. 

These Rants are My Truth. - I may go off endlessly about a magnitude of things but I'm always completely honest in them.

Some people might not be but I am. Its just how it is. And these are really things that tick me off ]

                                  *Created on Oct 19, 2014*

Author's Notes: RantsWhere stories live. Discover now