F*ck You Wattpad

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      [WARNING, if you get offended easily then just don't read this]

[I Warned you. Don't say I didn't]

I realize that I haven't updated this in quite a long time. Course, this is a Rant Book and I only ever update it when I feel the nagging NEED to vent my frustrations to the world, so I suppose not updating it just means that things had been going pretty smoothly wouldn't you agree?

I believe the last time I had something to Rant about was in 2015.

 Seems like a nice long break from everything that pisses me off right?  

Yeah well, apparently.... someone doesn't like that I'm calm and is trying their absolute damnedest to make sure they tick me the hell off, one way or another!!! 

I am now 21 years old as of August of 2016. 

I've put up with a lot of shit these past what? Four years, I believe. 

The year I signed onto Wattpad for the first time: 2013 / The current year: 2016 - I think I got the math right - I hate math. 

[Anyways... back to the subject]

I PROTEST against all these horrible changes you keep shoving relentlessly down our throats!! I think that this website actually does hate us - And you know what?


Screw you. F*ck you. I call BullShit. 370HSSV.

[This is severely therapeutic] 

Wattpad has yet again Pissed me off. Once again, they are doing whatever the hell they want and claiming at we 'asked for it' - Yeah well, you know what? WE DIDN'T!!!!

This is no better than being in an Abusive Relationship, where one spouse or significant other --------- [I won't clarify gender, since both men and woman can be guilty of such acts] --------------  is being either verbally or physically violent against their own respective spouse or significant other and then claiming that their lover "Asked" to be abused. 

I'm Feeling Abused!!! 



[AGH!!! Hate You So Much Right Now!!!] 

I think I might just scream.

Does anybody actually care?

Honestly, I doubt it.


Yeah, that's so much better.

Now that that's out of my system, I can be rational again - But then again, what fun is that? Hahaha. *Shakes Head* ANY-WAYS ---- I think that's the end of it. My rant anyways....

I really can't think up much more to say than this. 

Thinking back, this is probably the shortest Rant I've ever written. I could be wrong but it certainly does feel short doesn't it? Hmmm... whatever, why dwell on that? 

I hope that you all have a wonderful weekend and are not subject to the same issues that I am currently having. My irritation just continues to grow by the second.


Note: For those who don't know - I'm moving all my stories onto Figment.com / That website is not pissing me off at all. Plus - Its a nice escape from all this crap!!!  



Rant End.

Created on [8/26/2016] 12:23 AM

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2016 ⏰

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Author's Notes: RantsWhere stories live. Discover now