Chapter Five

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Chapter Five -

Rocky didn’t turn up for another two hours, and when he did he walked in reeking of smoke, and woman’s perfume, which made me feel nauseous, I’ve always hated the smell of smoke but even more so now that my pregnancy senses were kicking in.

“Where’ve you been mate?” Tyson asked him, as he patted the seat beside him offering it to his band mate. Rocky sat down beside him, and made himself comfortable, he noticed the leftover cake sitting on the coffee table in front of him.

“Went to see Ash” he answered, taking the leftover cake Tyson offered him.

“Righteo” was Tyson’s response, and he sipped from his glass.

I was snuggled into Braison’s body, all rugged up with a blanket; Callum was sitting on the floor in from of me, his curls tickling my feet and Matty was lying on the ground, his eyes were glued to the movie screen, we were watching the latest Johnny Depp film, although I could hardly keep my eyes open.

“Do you want to go to bed?” Braison whispered into my ear, I looked up into his blue eyes, and hesitated for a moment.

“No it’s fine” I said between yawns, he just laughed at how pathetic I was.

Callum decided to annoy Matty by throwing the popcorn at his face, while he was trying to concentrate, at first it was quite humorous as he could not work out where it was coming from, I watched him desperately trying to ignore whatever was hitting him, desperately trying to keep his attention to the television screen, the more Callum threw his way, the harder it was for him to ignore.

I had to control myself from bursting out laughing when Matty jumped up and looked around the room; five faces all looked at him innocently.

“Who’s throwing food at me?” he asked suspiciously eying us each individually, We all kept a straight face which really seemed to annoy him, so he turned back to the movie, and Harry picked up the popcorn bowl and turned it upside down upon Matty’s head, the entire contents spilled out over his body, the bowl upon his head like a hat, that’s when I couldn’t control my laughter anymore.

Tyson was the first one to join me in a fit of laughter, followed by the rest of the boys, Matty angrily turned to face Callum before jumping up and coming after him, Callum ran like an Olympian I’d never seen him go so fast in my life! Matty chased him all over the house; I could hear Callum’s fit of giggles and Niall screaming “I’m going to kill you Callum”

The rest of us just sat down and laughed at how silly they were, Harry ran over and tried to use me as a shield.

“You can’t hit a pregnant lady, that’s ethically wrong” Callum cheekily pointed out, Matty was fuming, but unable to take a swing at him, in case he did in fact hit me, he sat back down on the floor defeated.

Callum, unsure of whether or not he was safe, did not leave my side in case Matty decided he would after all continue with his revenge.

“Hey, no more using my pregnant girlfriend as a human shield” Braison told him, in his protective voice.

I love it when he’s all protective of me, it’s really hot, I stared at him and he gave me one of his famous smiles, before winking and turning back to the movie. Callum wrapped his arm around me in an attempt to make his best friend jealous, and I think it worked, despite the fact that he didn’t make a scene.

When the others left, Callum helped me to clean up the mess that was made earlier in the evening, I was still yawning, tired as anything.

“Go to bed” Callum said to me, pointing down the hall.

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