5: sick day

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I had to teach different classes today with different ages and it was now 6pm and I had this class and another class to do then I finish for today. I didn't have many kids in the class today because it was pouring with thunder.

I finished my classes for today and it was time for me to go. "Bye Linda" I say walking out of the studio. It cold and rainy Wensday night. Rain dripping on my shoulder while I'm walking to the bus stop because guess who didn't check the weather this morning.
I started to get cold and started sneezing, well guess who just got a fever? I stumbled in the house and throw myself on the floor "Annalie are you okay!?" I hear footsteps running twords me I open my eyes to look up and see Joel, with a worried face picking me up to make me sit on the couch. He gives me a blanket and calls Erick to come down, he goes to the kitchen and gives me some tea. Soon after my brother comes downstairs "ACHOO!" I sneezed "aww my sister has a fever" he said in a baby voice, I try to punch him but I'm to weak. I then see Joel walking away twords the stairs, we lock eyes for a second before he went up the stairs, I'm assuming to my brother's room. "Let's get you to bed" my brother tells me that catches my attention since I'm pretty light he grabs me and carries me on his back.
He places me on the bed and says " if you're still not feeling better by tomorrow morning, I'll call your work and tell them your sick" he exits me room to do god knows what. I see a head pop in the corner of the door frame and leans against the door frame. "Feeling better?" I just ignores his question. " Thanks Joel" I say and he just nods and smiles in response, then he walks away.

I wake up to my alarm and see Erick stoping the alarm "oohh you don't look better, it's better if you stay home today" I just nod and go back to sleep for a bit.

I wake up and see that it 1 pm so I decide that it's time to wake up. I couldn't see Erick any where around the house. But he did leave something, He left this house a mess. Dishes all over the place, I'm assuming his friends came over and they left. "If I'm going to clean this house, I need music" I say to my self. I run to my room to grab my speaker and start Blasting music. I do everything while dancing. I grab the dishes from the table, the living room, and my brother's room, all while dancing and bring them to the sink. I thought maybe before washing this, I should change to something more acceptable. I put on some yellow booty shorts and a grey lace tank top. I tied my hair up and began to wash the dishes. I was moving my hips to the beat of the music, I put the dishes aside for it to dry so after I can put them away. I organize the shoes in the entrance, clean the bathroom, then I pass the vacuum cleaner around the house, I fold the clothing, and put my clothing and my brother's clothing away. I got to the kitchen to put the plate in their cabinet when my favourite song starts playing call "No Es Justo -J balvin" (play the song at the top, also really love that song at the moment) I start singing the song. Dancing from side to side, I turn and twist to the beat "Te gusto, Te gusto" I feel a pare of hand grab my waist and I turn my head to see Zabdiel dancing with me. He grabs my hand and twirls me. (Imagine ur own little dance section, and keep reading after the song is over)

After the song finishes, I stare at his eyes and he stares in mine, we blank out for a bit, "wait how did u get in the house" I ask , not break eye contact, he licks his lips " your brother let us in" he said backing me up twords the counter, leaving me not much space. Then, a bunch of guys running in the kitchen. "Annalie!" They all say, except for Joel who is just slowly walking in the kitchen, "hey guys" I smile "How's the soon to be birthday girl?" Richard says while passing by Zabdiel and picking me up making me giggle, " I'm good, where were u guys?"I ask seeing that they had many shopping bags. "We went shopping!" Christopher said with a lot of energy. "So we heard you were sick so we brought movie, popcorn, candy, and DRINK!" Christopher continued "sure that sounds fun but I'm going to finish cleaning up and practice dancing for a bit" I say " Can we join you?" Ask Christopher "sure" I say, and they all jump in excitement or just smile. They help me clean a little and a good song comes on and I start singing, the band members except for Joel and Erick, looked at me surprise because they didn't know I can sing, I just look at them confused, "I guess singing good runs in the family" said Richard laugh.
We finished cleaning and for the first time, brought them to my studio down in the basement for the first time, even though Joel and Erick have already been in here. They all run around looking at everything. Our basement had a door to go outside and next to the door was my skateboard, "wow! Since when did you skate Erick?" Christopher ask looking at my board "I don't, it's my sisters" and as soon as Erick said that it's like Christopher eyes lit up. I also had an art office connect to my basement which is were I draw, they were looking threw my art work,we passed by another room that was full of instruments which had Erick's guitar and I play drums so it had my drum set and I'm also learning piano, but then I brought them to a big room with mirrors a speaker and dance equipment. "Cool!" The boys said looking at the big room this was where I practice my routines. I play music and just start dancing while the guys just take a seat on the floor, watching me. after showing them the routine me and the girls are learning for the competition, I just play whatever music comes out on my playlist, and the boys join me.
It's 7 pm and we made the popcorn grab the candy and and watch funny movies. This day couldn't end better, but it did, when the clock hit 12 I didn't even notice, but all the boys alarm on their phones went off. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANNALIE!" Erick,Richard,Zabdiel, and Christopher all jumped on top of me. Finally, I was 20 years old. 1 by 1 they each give me birthday wishes and squeeze me. You would think that after that, that couldn't get better, the door bell rang "GUYS GET OFF ME" I say trying to get up and walk to the door. I open the door and see "MOM, DAD!" I scream. "Happy birthday baby" my dad tells me while hugging me. This was going to be a good birthday.
Author's note:
Sooo now that you hAve seen all the tiny special moments with the guys, who do you ship Annalie with?
Joel? Zabdiel? Richard? Christopher?
Tell me in the comments

Also, I'm going to try to post 5 chapters at a time. So don't worry, this story is not done ;)

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