Chapter 17

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"You sure chose a pretty little thing, Alex. I really thought I had a chance with her after you broke her heart. Everyone in White Pine Bay knew it. Bob was going to try and help her out but she left like you did," Keith taunted, gripping Norma's arm and pressing his gun painfully hard against Norma's stomach.
"Keith, just let her go," Alex demanded, his voice edgy.
"No! You ruined the first time for me, so you'll watch the second time," Keith replied, pulling Norma against his body.
Alex couldn't stand it anymore and grabbed his gun, aiming at Keith who was now laughing.
"If you shoot me, he'll shoot your wife," Keith said, watching the man hesitantly point his gun at Norma's stomach.
Alex noticed the mans demeanor and questioned it before he shook all thoughts out of his head and looked back at Keith.
Keith was now unbuttoning Norma's paint stained overalls. Norma flinched when Keith made contact with the end of her shirt that was beneath the overalls.
"Stay still," Keith snapped, his body still behind Norma's.
Alex watched Keith until he realized Keith was distracted and raised his gun, then shooting. Keith dropped and then other man took it upon himself to shoot Norma's stomach. Norma's eyes grew wide as her hands shot down to cradle her now, bloody stomach.
Alex shot the other man and watched as he fell. Norma looked at Alex with pale eyes before she blacked out. Alex caught his wife before she fell to the ground. He picked her up bridal style and ran out of the motel, getting into his car, and driving to the closest hospital with his sirens on.
Alex had tears in his eyes as they drove and when they finally got to the hospital, he couldn't help but feel sick. The nurses had taken Norma and were starting surgery minutes later. Alex sat in the waiting room after calling the station to have the bodies picked up from the motel.
"Mr. Romero?" A nurse asked, now standing in front of Alex.
Alex raised his head tiredly and looked at the sympathetic nurse.
"You can come and see her now," The woman said, turning away and walking towards the room.
As soon as Alex got to the room and walked inside, he quickly got to his wife's side and held her hand. He didn't know what to do, other than cry. He caressed Norma's cheek as she was sleeping; his tears kept falling as he whispered his apologies over and over again.
"She was very lucky," The nurse whispered, watching Alex quietly.
"I-Is s-she still a-alive?" Alex asked, referring to his child.
"She was missed when shot. The person who shot her must've aimed towards the very front of the stomach, which is still dangerous but it missed the baby completely. It's a miracle," The nurse said, a small smile on her face.
Alex sighed in relief as more tears fell from his face. He could've lost two of the most important women in his life because he made an idiotic decision.
Norma groaned as she woke up with a blurred vision. She blinked continuously as her sight became more clear. She cried out as she tried to sit up and then remembered her unborn baby.
Alex was waken up by this as he had fallen asleep crying and watching over his wife.
"Is she okay?" Norma asked, looking at Alex.
Alex nodded and Norma let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. She relaxed and laid back, shutting her eyes slowly and opening them back up.
"Where are the boys?" Norma asked, turning to look at Alex.
"In the room next to ours. I had one of the deputies bring them here," Alex explained, moving a piece of hair out of his wife's face.
"Thank you," Norma whispered, a small smile on her face.
"You are so strong, do you know that?" Alex asked, playing with Norma's fingers.
"No," Norma laughed
"Well you are. You've been through hell and back and if I had to go through anything you went through, I would surely die," Alex said, looking into Norma's bright blue eyes.
Norma fell speechless as she felt her heart racing.
"I love you," Norma finally whispered, tears coming to her eyes.
"I love you so much," Alex whispered, leaving a short kiss on Norma's nose.
It went silent until a thought popped up in Norma's head.
"Remember how we talked about moving to Portland when we were younger?" Norma asked, watching Alex play with her hand.
"I do," Alex responded, a small smile playing on his lips.
"I found a house there. I think if we lived her for a few more months and got everything prepared then we can definitely buy that house. But only if you want to, it's just a suggestion," Norma said, saying the last part quickly so she didn't seem like she was forcing anything.
Alex chuckled and smiled, "We can check the house out as soon as you're better.".
Norma nodded, feeling calm and happy.
Two months had now passed and in only a couple of weeks, would Norma give birth to her child. In between the two months that had passed, Alex and Norma decided that they would move before the baby was born, but, since Norma could barley do any work, they would wait.
"What's her name going to be?" Dylan asked, quiet enough for only his mother to hear.
Alex and Norman were asleep, both snoring quietly. Norman laid on top of Alex, clutching Alex's shirt as he dreamlessly slept. Alex had his arms around the small boy, making sure that Norman was secured.
"I think her name is going to be Eliza. What do you think?" Norma asked, playing with her sons hair.
"I like that name," Dylan replied, a smile on his face until something crossed his mind.
"What are you thinking about?" Norma asked, looking at her beautiful blue-eyed son.
As she admired him, an overwhelming sense of hatred, sadness, and love washed over her.
The thought of her brother popped up in her head and made her nauseous.
"Do you think Alex would want to really be my dad?" Dylan asked, looking up at his mom.
Norma was pulled out of her thoughts and scrunched her eyebrows, looking sympathetically at her son.
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I think the next chapter will be the last one but i'm not 100% sure yet. Also, it's the queens birthday today, Vera Farmiga! 🥳💞

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