Chapter 7: Late Night Secrets

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After Ben and Doug showed the Core Four and Hallie to their rooms, Hallie had to follow Ben to Fairy Godmother's office. As she did, Hallie was in awe of how fantastic the school was; the downside was that everyone avoided her like the plague. No one didn't even dare to stare into her eyes, but that's okay. As soon as school's over, she's off to explore.

Ben glanced behind him and saw Hallie observing everything with her eyes. The childlike awe was so adorable that he couldn't help but smile back. He shook his head to get rid of the thought that controlled him.

"What are you thinking, Ben? You have Audrey, your girlfriend. Why are you thinking of Hallie in that way?" he thought.

However, his conscience told an entirely different story.

"Admit it: you like Hallie. Audrey doesn't have anything in common with you, doesn't like your ideas, and - most of all - you and her don't 'click.' There's no spark, and you can do better." The other part of himself rebutted the internal thought.

"You don't stand a chance, Ben," a voice softly whispered to him. Ben was shocked that he was in his own mind for so long that he didn't register the fact Hercules was talking to him.

"I'm sorry?" Ben looked toward Hercules with a questioning gaze.

"You and Hallie," Hercules reiterated. "It's never going to happen."

"Why do you say that?"

"People tend to stay away from Hallie. After my father's punishment for her, many of the guys she liked avoided her after her sentencing. I've noticed it, the VKs noticed it, Fairy Godmother's noticed it, Audrey as well; hell, even Aphrodite's noticed it. When you looked at her, it was love at first sight, wasn't it?"

Ben nods. He looked embarrassed that he got caught ogling the Queen of the Underworld.

"She doesn't trust anyone. Not even family."

"Except your mother and Hestia, apparently."

"They stood up for her, which she's grateful for that. Hallie's paranoia is on overdrive now, with half of Olympus on her side and voted for her to come to Auradon."

Finally, they reached Fairy Godmother's office. Ben opened the door, allowing Hallie to enter first. She thanked Ben and entered the room. Hercules and Ben followed after her, closing the door behind them. Audrey tried to go in, but Ben stopped Audrey in her tracks.

"Sorry, Audrey. Only my family, Hercules and Fairy Godmother, are allowed," he said.

"How come you're going?" It was then that Hallie interrupted their "private" conversation.

"Because Ben's going to be King of Auradon in a month, Princess; he's gonna have to learn to deal with immortal Gods and negotiations. And he can't have any distractions in this meeting. If he's gonna learn to be a King, he has to start acting like one in this meeting. Sorry not sorry, Princess," she sasses back. Audrey's mouth dropped to the floor after that. Hercules and Ben watch her enter inside.

Audrey turned to Hercules and nodded in agreement over what Hallie said.

"Sorry, Audrey," he apologized. "But this is between Olympus and Auradon. You're opinionated even if you're allowed in; the Gods and the King and Queen won't like that." He steps inside the office, leaving Ben and Audrey alone.

Ben and Audrey stare at each other, having a silent argument with their eyes.


Hallie enters the room first and sees Adam, Belle, and Fairy Godmother, waiting for Hallie to come.

"Hallie," Belle greeted. Hallie smiled at Belle.

Child of Fire and Death [Ben x Hallie (OC)] - Disney's DescendantsWhere stories live. Discover now