Chapter 13 : The Portal Master

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Nick lie awake in the early evening hours. His body ached with fatigue but his mind raced through the museum and his visit with Padrake. He wished for a window to watch the sun set and sighed. Luna had given him a tray of food and explained to ring the copper bell for assistance as needed. He thought of ringing the bell just to have company but remembered Padrake’s warning of their vagueness in conversation, and thought better of the bell.

        Nick turned over from his back and faced the door. He noticed his satchel for the first time lying across the wardrobe and went over to it. He brought it over to the floating cot and dumped its contents out in the dimly lit room. The candle chandelier overhead flickered with light over the items on the bed. Among the ink, parchment, quill and dried fruit, was one vial of the sleep potion Toulle had used. He placed the items on the floor beside the bed, and drank the vial. Soon enough, Nick was fast asleep.

            Soft footsteps were heard in the distance and Nick opened his groggy eyes to the room. The door opened and Roulfe entered carrying a pot steaming with something and a small loaf of bread.

            “You did not eat much last eve Nickadamus. Perhaps bread from your home world will please you.” Nick’s jaw dropped and he rose to meet Roulfe at the small table near the wardrobe. He savored the runeflower bread and chewed slowly almost afraid to swallow the taste from home.

            “Magnificent! How did you ever master the recipe?” Nick stared at the loaf in his hands and took another bite.

            “Many of us in the Nadallian quarter have learned your world and culture through studies. Negrad sent us many treasures. Recipes keep us busy. We enjoy learning everything we can from all the worlds we study.” Nick noticed Roulfe had called him by his name. “We have a bit of trouble harvesting the runeflower leaves; however you may visit the greenhouse just past the small cottage.”

            Nick spoke while chewing, “Oh I can help with that one.” Roulfe’s eyes opened wide. “You did not call me sir,” Nick continued.

            “Yes, Nickadamus, I have been released of my duty for the day. Luna and Padrake will care for you while I am away. Cheers to you. Enjoy your stay.” Roulfe smiled and the stout man exited the room. Nick ate the last of the bread and feeling full, he sipped the hot black liquid. Bitter and strong the flavor stained his tongue with a horrific after taste. He rang the bell and waited. Luna appeared in the door way and smiled. She was the same height as Nick and wore her hair piled up on her head today without the silver veil.

            “That beverage is best with sugar and cream.” Luna giggled.

            “Can you show me where, um, men go to…well?” Nick struggled with words as to not offend her. He set the cup down and averted her eyes strongly upon him.

            “You need to relieve yourself sir, of course.” She giggled and motioned for him to follow. Nick’s face grew hot as his cheeks flushed. He rubbed his chin and noticed the stubble had not yet returned. He was pleased and wondered when he would indeed have to use the paste ever again.

            Down the first set of circular stairs was an open room with a curtain. They walked under the curtain and Nick marveled at how he could have missed this room the day before.

            “This room only appears when needed sir. Otherwise a window is here.” Nick wondered if everyone used magic in the castle or was the castle itself a pillar of magic?

            Luna stepped through the second curtain and the room was silent. In the middle of the room was a white bucket with a red line painted around it. A table with a wash bucket filled with water and the same green bar beside it lined the wall to his left.

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