Let the Napalm Ignite their Souls

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(This will be his costume

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(This will be his costume. His face paint and the glowing red eyes will simply be a mask to simply hide his true face from the people outside. The AMP will be the conductive sword that he has.)

In the streets of Seattle. There is a teenage boy with braided dreadlocks, with specific parts partly colored with a dark red, dark skin, a leather white shirt that is stained with black liqui, black pants, a red hoodie that is over his head, and a black, conductive sword this is now sheathed right onto his back, with a chain at the side of the pants. He has markings on his left arm, and scorching, brown eyes.

This is Agni MacGrath, the son of Nix and Cole. Born from the 2 powerful Conduits, he was shown to be aggressive, unforgiving, violent, reckless, and destructive like his mother. But like his father, he is kind, caring, selfless, and heroic, with a great sense of justice.

inherited from both his parents, he has his mother's Napalm, and his father's famous Electrokinesis. He uses his abilities to cause immense harm to his enemies, so that it will take a long time for them to recover. The purpose of the sword is to channel his Napalm and his Electrokinesis so that he could dish out so much damage, they will faint and almost die. They are still treated in hospital, though. He was unaware of the existence of his half-brother, until the age of 10. They showed a picture of their families, but each had their father in it. While they didn't stay as a group, they do contact with one another.

When the Second Sons were created, him and his Half-Brother volunteered. Agni was way more destructive than even Fetch. He would often use his Ionic Drain to exhaust the enemies, but to the point of being unconscious. They do recover in a week, but will have to work their bodies again. However, he only does this if he is about to die in a fight. So he only uses if he must use it. Right now, he was looking and scouting for any D.U.P agents and soldiers. He will always go for a frontal assault on them, and hits the enemy with everything he has got.

As he is walking around in the city, a villain known only as firefly, was seen on the top of a building, looking directly at Agni. He was sent by Lex Luthor, to force him on the team, possibly even brainwash him. He gets his flamethrower ready. This was due to his ability to drain life force, which would be useful against Superman.

"Alright, Lex. I have the target."

"Great. Being him to us alive. Do not fail this mission."

Firefly nodded his head and floats down behind Agni. Agni than suddenly teleported away.

"What the...Lex, the boy's gone. He teleported."

"What...How did he...HE'S BEHIND YOU!!"

Before he could react to the sudden danger, Firefly was hit by some Napalm on the back. Agni has teleported behind him. Firefly tried to use his flamethrower, but he teleported away, even when he is trying to spread it. He than used his Electrokinesis to shock him. However, as he is wearing a suit, while it didn't stop the damage, it did hurt him and did a considerable amount of damage to him.

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