Area 51

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Oscar: *packing his bag*

Adrian: . . . . . . . Whatcha doin' there bud?

Oscar: Im going to raid Area 51!

Nova: suicide be like

Ruby: hey, i wanna go too!

Danna: im gonna come . . . . . . But watch from the sidelines

Oscar: YEAH! We need as much peoplr as possible! Adrian and Nova, are you guys in

Nova: id perfer to keep my life, thank you very much

Adrian: um . . . I'll think about it

Oscar: fine, but dont expect me to bring you back an alien

Nova: *laughs* yeah, sure

Oscar: youll see nova! The aliens are real and coming! Security cant stop all of us!!

Oscar: * September 21*

Oscar: * September 21*

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Im 100% Oscar silva. Im totally not an alien who kidnapped him so the mothership sent me as a decoy for the actual one

Marissa Meyer book Of MemesWhere stories live. Discover now