Which One of You: Ruby

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Throws clothes on the back of chairs:


Folds clothes from the back of chairs:


She doesn't care about being clean; she just cares about the fact that she knows where she can find what she needs. If you didn't fold her clothes and set them on her bad for her, she would go crazy looking for them, and the last place she'd look is on the back of a chair.

Constantly forgets to eat:


Makes sure the other one eats:


If you didn't make sure she ate, she would probably be dead about five times over. To be honest, she couldn't live without you in her life--both literally and figuratively, unfortunately.

Loves to sleep in the other's bed:


"No, go get your own.":


You love your sleep more than almost anything, including, at times, your girlfriend. She gets nightmares and the only way without her powers she's learned to handle them is you.

Prefers OPs to sitting around all day:


Horribly afraid of going into the field:


It's more a fear of liking what you'll do in the field more than being afraid of being the field. The few times you went out into the field, you enjoyed nearly killing or killing the people who tortured you and many other kids in the camps.

Gets flirted with:


The most jealous person that ever lived:


Everyone's too afraid of her, being an Orange, to flirt with her, even though she's the most beautiful person that ever lived. But with you, being beautiful and a Blue, people aren't afraid to flirt with you until Ruby comes and threatens to kill them or make them go crazy.

Loves to cuddle:


"Ugh, fine!" (Secretly loves it more than the other one does):


You might not like to share your bed when you're sleeping, but awake is an entirely different story.

Has nightmares:


Comforts the other:


 It's why she loves to sleep with you--you ward off "evil spirits", aka, nightmares.

Loves kisses:


Prefers hugs:


It's the closest you can get to cuddling with her without laying down.

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