Behind the Scenes: Elise Needs Drunk Minecraft Challenges!

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Take that title in anyway you want-- but I do need help with ideas for Drunk Minecraft challenges. 

Of course, we gotta have your standard "build a penis" contest thing. But what othe challenges/shenanigans do you think the boys would get up to? I'm not revealing ANYTHING by saying that, just to make that clear. I'll try not to spoil anything but Mark is hosting something and part of what he's hosting involves Drunk Minecraft. He has a bunch of challenges for this and, honestly, it's too earlier in the morning to be thinking of anything, besides the fact that I am quickly writing this as I'm going out the door for work. 

So if you could help me out on this one (I'll be trying to watch some episodes if it's slow today), I would love you all! More than I already do, of course :)

I hope you all enjoy your weekend! I'll try to do a live stream tonight at 8PM Eastern Standard Time! I promise to get Forest into one of these live streams soon. He lives pretty close to me, where as Billy Bob doesn't. So we'll see when Forest is in town next and we can talk about the story and the next episode... which I am HAPPY to say is going to be quite long. This was decided last night when I had too many ideas floating about my head. And not cut into parts! :) 

Just go to think link (which can be found in the external links tab to your right):

I hope to see you there! Maybe you can share your ideas with me then :) Might be a Google Chat Meet-up so we can all talk. I'd have to make an account for that to protect my privacy. But it would be great fun to chat voice to voice with you guys!

The Dream Team, Elise. 

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