Chapter 17

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A year later, Emily has completely moved in with Aaron. The divorce finalized quickly and they began their life together. It was now Jack's birthday and it would be one of the few times that Emily, Aaron, and Haley would be together. Since the divorce, not much improved. Haley never met Aaron or Emily for drop off and pick up when it was Aaron's time to have Jack. 

They were having it at Haley's new house since it was bigger and had a yard for the kids to play in. Emily and Aaron had Jack the night before so she woke up early and made a big breakfast for him. His presents from the couple were sitting on the dining room table to be opened before they attended the birthday party. 

Emily was holding Jack in his bed when Aaron checked on them after his shower. "Happy birthday, big boy." He says while leaning over to kiss him and his girlfriend.

Soon, the 3 of them went downstairs and enjoyed their breakfast before Jack opened his gifts. Aaron held Emily's hands as they ate and she smiled to herself. The night before, they found out they were pregnant, again. A few months prior, Emily found herself pregnant for the second time. But just like the last, it wasn't long before she suffered another miscarriage. They fully believed that this time was the time that it was going to happen. Both pregnancies were an accident, but they weren't upset it happened either. 

Emily was watching in the mirror as she curled her hair. She was standing in skinny jeans and a bra until she finished getting ready. She could see the swell of her stomach and she smiled to herself. Aaron swung the door open and smiled at her. "Come on, Em. We are going to be late with the child to his own birthday,". 

She released her hair from the hold and slipped her tank top over her head. "Fine, I'm ready, Mr.Crabby." He slapped her ass and rolled his eyes as they traveled down the hallway to meet Jack who was impatiently waiting at the door.

Once at the party is when Emily began to get nervous. She has not interacted with Haley since the day she found out about the affair. She had no idea how it was going to go.

Aaron let them into the house and brought the cake he was told to pick up into the kitchen. Jack immediately took off to the back to play with his cousins and friends that arrived before them. Emily followed closely behind Aaron, as to there was the family of Haley sending glares her way. She understood, but that didn't make it any less uncomfortable.

In the kitchen, they found Haley standing next to another guy talking as she was cutting up fruit. Aaron cleared his throat and the blonde woman looked up at him. She quickly straightened and set down the knife. "Aaron, Emily." She nodded but left the kitchen to the deck where other parents were. 

Soon they found out the man with Haley was her new boyfriend. Aaron felt a sense of peace come over him knowing that Haley was going to be okay. Soon, he found himself alone with the man, who was named Adam, at the grill. They were engaged in small talk when Aaron took a deep breath and began, "As you may know, I wasn't the best husband at the end. But, there is a part of me that will always love Haley. She's the mother of my child and my first wife. So please, be good to her. The Lord knows she deserves it." Adam just nodded and they clinked beers before taking a swig of it.

Aaron looked out to see Emily running around in the grass with Jack and his friends. It seems they were playing tag and she was it. As he watched, Haley floated over and stood by his side. He gave her a smile and squeezed her shoulder.

The 4 of them sat next to Jack as happy parents as he opened his presents. The tension and the awkwardness seemed to fade away and the sole reason for them being together was their focus. They just enjoyed watching Jack be happy to have all of his parents together at one time.

A week later, Jack had his first soccer game which would be another thing that all 4 of them attended. Emily and Aaron arrived at Haley's house, per her request. They thought it was odd because they assumed they would meet at the field. On their way there, Aaron had his hand on Emily's belly. It seemed to have popped tremendously overnight. There was no mistaking that Emily Prentiss was pregnant. 

When they got to the house, Haley met them at the door and ushered them in. Adam was on the ground helping Jack get his soccer gear on. "So, I know that things have been quite hard for the last year. But, we have Jack. All of us. Emily, I know you are staying around forever," she motions to the younger girls belly and Emily instinctively covers it with her hand, "So, we need to get along. But, as I said, we have Jack. So, I got us all these to wear at his first soccer game."

She passes out these black t-shirts and they each have white lettering on the back. Aaron's says "Jack's Daddy". Emily's says "Jack's Step-Mommy". Haley's says "Jack's Mommy. And, Adam's says "Jack's Step-Daddy."

They all put on their shirts and headed to the field to support their little boy. During the game, they all sat side by side cheering on Jack. Each of them jumped up and cheered when he broke away to score a goal. One of Haley's friend also has a son on the team and sat right behind them. At that moment, she snapped a picture and texted it to Haley.

After the game, they all went and had lunch at a local pizza joint. When she discovered the picture, she quickly sent it to the rest of them. Tears pooled in her eyes over the thought of how hard the last year has been. But, she knew, life would be okay, despite the bumps in the road.

This blended, dysfunctional, screwed up, but happy would be just fine. 

The End

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