Chapter 6

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Haley fell to the couch next to Hotch after tucking Jack into his bed. "I see you went running this morning." Haley states leaning onto him. He draped his arm around her body and laid his head back. "Yeah. I took her lead, thought I was going to die halfway through." He laughs and Haley grins. "I think we need to talk about her." The blonde mother says sitting up. Aaron looks at her confused as to what could be the problem. "Jack really seems to be attached to her." She says and Aaron didn't see her point. She set her head against her hand and let out a sigh. "We came home and he asked for her. You came back and she immediately swooped in. I laid him in bed and he cried for Emily. I feel like she's..." Haley stops trying to find the right words. Hotch stared at her figuring out what his wife was getting at. "You feel like Emily is over stepping her bounds." The father filled in for her. They stopped when they heard a throat clear in the doorway. They looked to find Emily in a new pair of clothes. "Jack puked in my bed. I already cleaned it up. He's in my bed still but since I'm overstepping, I'll leave. I'll be back tomorrow morning, unless you want to fire me." Emily picked up her keys and purse from where she dropped them the day before. "Em-." Haley started but the girl was already telling Jack by and walking out the door. "No, Haley. Emily isn't overstepping. She's doing exactly what we hired her for." Hotch searched for his keys but heard Jack cry so he stopped his movements. "We would rather have him love her than hate her. She is perfect. We aren't going to find a better flexible nanny." He jogs upstairs to find his son crying in the hall. The brunette father lifted up the small boy and coddled him. "Miss Emmy will be back tomorrow, bud. It's just you, Mommy, and I tonight. You can even sleep in our bed." Hotch says carrying the boy to his bedroom and gently set him down. "Mommy is going to come up here for a little bit. I'm going to run to the store." He kisses Jack after turning on a movie for him. Slowly he left the room and met Haley in the foyer. "I'm going to find Emily and fix this. Go be with our son." Hotch exits the house and walks down to the car he left parked in the road. He stopped when he saw Emily's car parked down at the end of the road. He locked his own vehicle and jogged down to hers. When he got to the passenger side of the car, he rapped on the window lightly. He saw Emily jump and clutch her chest, which caused him to chuckle. She hit the unlock button and he opened the door plopping down into the passenger seat. "I.. I didn't really have somewhere to go." The brunette admits to the older man. He sighed and turned his body at a weird angle to gaze at the girl. "Why did you leave?" He wonders softly. She scoffs and shakes her head, avoiding his eyes. "I just want to please you guys. I want to do my job to the fulliest. I apologize if I crossed the line. Jack is an adorable boy and I love that he loves me, but that isn't something to blame me for." Emily tells Aaron, playing with the keys in her hands. "You didn't cross any line. Haley is just trying to adjust not being the only woman Jack loves. Gosh. If she is this way now, just wait till he dates." The 2 brunettes both bust out in laughter at the thought. Once laughing died down, he reached over and grabbed her hand. "Please come back. Haley is upstairs with Jack. You and I can play a game or watch a movie or whatever." She smiles at him and nods. Starting the car, she quickly whipped a U-turn in the road and drove back to where she parks her car in front of the Hotchner home. 


Emily and Hotch were laughing on the coach around midnight at some corny TV show they were watching. When the clock struck 11 and Haley and Jack were sleeping, they cracked the beers. "This is so stupid." She says finishing off the bottle. She was laying on the couch with her legs swung over the back. Hotch was sitting at the other end still nursing his bottle. "Are you ticklish?" He asks and she looks at him confused. "A little, why?" He smirks and slowly sets down his beer. She looked away when there was a crash on the TV. "Oh my- AH!" She was shocked when her foot got yanked down and was being tickled by Aaron. She tried to pull away but he continued his assault. He grabbed at her stomach and tickled her sides which made her squirm and laugh harder. "Aaron!" She tried to pull herself up and over the back but he pulled her back down. "Tickle party!!" They heard Jack yell. She looked behind her to see the blonde running towards her. Aaron moved away and they both tickled Jack when he arrived at the couch. "Why aren't you sleeping?" Hotch asks picking up his son adjusting his pajamas. "I pukeded 'gain." He tells his father snuggling into the crook of his neck. "Did you make it to the potty?" Was the next question out of Hotch's mouth. The small boy nodded and it made Emily smile to watch the sight in front of her. "Tell Emily goodnight, again. It's time to go to bed for real this time." He passes Jack and Emily hugs him gently. Placing a kiss on his crown, she passed him back to his father. "I think I'm going to turn in, too." The 3 walked upstairs and departed into their own rooms. When Emily got to hers, a smile spread across her face. Haley must have changed the bedding for her because it was now black. She knew things would be fine with the Hotchners. Maybe a few bumps, but just fine.

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