Chapter 2

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Emily has officially moved into the Hotchner home. It was her first morning with Jack while Haley was already at work by the time she was out of the shower, from the bathroom she had in her room. Emily stood at the stove wearing shorts and a t-shirt she threw on. She flipped a pancake and poured another on the other side of the pan. "Good morning, Ms.Prentiss." Hotch says walking into the kitchen pouring a cup of coffee. She laughs and hands him a plate with food. "Mr.Hotchner, you can call me Emily." She laughs looking at him briefly before turning back to the pan. "Then you call me Aaron. And make sure to call her Haley. She feels old when she's called Mrs.Hotchner." He takes a bite of the chocolate pancake Emily handed him. She finished the last of the batter and put a small one on the plate for Jack. She quickly cut it up and added a small dab of syrup on it. Emily took the stairs 2 at a time to go wake Jack. She opened the door and found him with one leg over the railing. "Em'ly!" He yelled pulling his leg down and putting his arms up. "Good morning, love!" She whispers picking him up. He snuggled into her shoulder. She plucked the paci from his mouth and laughed when he reached for it. "Pacis are for babies who are sleeping." She placed it inside the mason jar full of them on the shelf. Her and Jack walked down the stairs and met Aaron in the kitchen. "Good morning, Jack." The father said kissing the boys cheek. "Daddy is going work. You are going to stay with Emily until Mommy gets home." He says filling his travel mug. She placed the toddler into his little chair and handed him his small plate with a silly cup of milk. Hotch grabbed his brief case and kissed Jack one more time before leaving the house. Once the door shut, Jack's little brown eyes filled with tears. She sat down and he started to wail. "Me want my dad!" He cried as he threw down his fork. She looked up shocked and panicked. "Sweetie, Daddy went to work. He'll be home soon. Mommy too." She gently explained rubbing his arm. He sniffed and looked at her through tears. "We go to the park?" He asks taking another bite of pancake. She laughs and nods her head taking a sip of her steaming coffee. He continued to eat his pancakes quietly while Emily watched on. She checked her watch and saw it was 9am. "I'm done." Jack announced loudly and pushed his plate towards her. "Okay little dude. Let's get you cleaned up." Together they travel upstairs to his room to get him ready. 


Emily watched from the side of the playground while Jack dug in the sand. To her left, an older lady approached and stood next to her. "Hi, you must be the Hotchner's nanny." The blonde says and Emily looks at her questioningly. "I'm Bridget. I run a home daycare a couple blocks away. Nice to meet you." Emily smiled and nodded before looking back at Jack. "It's my first day. He makes me nervous. I just want to be good for them. Ya know?" She mutters crossing her arms tightly across her chest. Bridget went to respond but one of her kids fell off the slide and started crying. Jack looked up and ran to Emily. "Em'ly! I gotta poop!" He yelled out loud and she tried not to laugh. "Okay, let's hurry home and we can use the potty." She puts him in the stroller and quickly walks towards their white house on top of the hill. When they arrived, Emily opened the gate and put the stroller in the yard before running Jack into the house and to the main floor bathroom. She went to take the pull-up off and she realized he already went. "Oh, Jack." She sighed laying him on the floor and grabbed a pack of wipes to clean his butt. "I'm sorry." The little boy said quietly as tears came to his eyes. "It's okay, buddy. I know you tried." She sat him up and slipped on another pull-up before disposing of the soiled one. "How about we play blocks until lunch?" She asks him and holds him close. He nodded and the pair went down the stairs into the living room where Emily's phone was dropped on her way to the bathroom. It was ringing so she looked at the caller ID, and saw it was Aaron. She set Jack down by the toys and took a seat in the recliner chair before answering. "Hello?" She says into the phone, following Jack's movement with her eyes. "Hi, Emily. It's Aaron. We caught a case so I will be leaving. I am going to swing by the house and pick up my go-bag I left on my bed." He tells her while sticking his file in the open briefcase sitting on his desk. She told him that she would make him something to eat to take on the plane. She hung up and leaned forward. Jack was content zooming cars on the carpet that she could step out for a minute. Emily walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge. She decided that she would make him a ham and cheese sandwich. Quickly whipping it up, she packed his food into a bag and put it by the front door. "Jack, want to come with me to get Daddy's bag?" The little boy jumps up, confirming her question, and ran to the stairs. She followed the toddler up the stairs and into the parents room. It felt weird being in there but she quickly picked up the black bag and they traveled back down. As they got to the bottom, Hotch walked in the door. "Hi, bud!" He says scooping up the toddler from the ground. "Here is your bag. Anddd your food." She says setting the 2 bags together. He smiles and thanks her quietly before kissing Jack one more time. "Daddy has to go out of town. Emily is going to play with you. Mommy will be home soon." He hands Jack back over and Emily wraps her arms around the boy. "Bye, Daddy." He says laying his head on his Nanny's shoulder. "Bye, Aaron." She waves bye at the door as he walked to his truck. She sighed and shut the door. "Time for lunch. Then it's naptime." She kisses his head and they go into the kitchen so she can make them some food. Haley would be home in just 4 hours.

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