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He was lost. lost to the other emotions that fought to be felt by him. lost in a way he couldn't recognize himself.

he sat on their usual seat in their hospital cafeteria, but yet without Jennie by his side it didn't feel right. he looked out through the great window the clouds were heavy gray, the rain that poured down with thunders made him wonder if she is warm, if she is safe and.. alive!

it has been two weeks Jennie suddenly went missing, and without her presence he was tortured by missing her. at first he wasn't as concerned thinking she may be sick and is home, but the more days passed without a call from her the more he doubted it being normal.

he even visited their house earlier that day. to see her or know something about her wellness, but everything was the same. he relied upon Dr.Kim to tell him about her whereabouts, but he simply said she was on a vacation. 'what vacation that i don't know about?' he asked himself, because the last time he checked she wouldn't step out of their house without telling him about it.

and last time she had warned him of someone following her hence he couldn't sleep well at night anymore.

he spent days trying to reach her through her social media, but it was useless till this morning that he lost his patience..


"Doctor Kim" Jimin barged into his office room with fire in his eyes. to what surprised him was Jennie's father was in a meeting instead of showing concern to his daughter's disappearance!

the old man calmly stared back at him. seeing how anxious jimin was he looked at the two men with a small smile "gentlemen let's continue in half an hour. visit our cafeteria, and treat yourselves some coffee. I'll join you soon," he dismissed them and watched them leave.

"where is she?" Jimin asked as soon as they were alone.

the older was aware their conversation will last longer, therefore he walked and sat on the leather couch heaving a sigh. "there is no vacation when her clothes are unpacked. so don't lie to me sir" he said, and got a glare from the older.

"where is your daughter-" he yelled out of impatience, but got cut by the man "i don't know".

the room got silent as if it was emptied, they stared at each other in anger and frustration.. but for what?

"what do you mean? why don't you know?" jimin asked in worry.

her father loosened his necktie, and what surprised jimin next was the silent tears flowing his eyes. something he never witnessed before was visible to him now. the only time he saw Dr.Kim crying was when Mr.Park brought him home from a bar after his divorce.

"w-why are you crying sir? is she okay? where is she?" Jimin walked to him and knelt down. he would beg to know where she was if that will make it work, he couldn't allow any bad news to come.

"they-they took her..they took my daughter Jimin-ah" he relived that day and it gave him a hard time to breathe, he trembled and sobbed like he has been doing at home ever since but this is the first time he let his despair out in front of someone.

"they kidnapped her two weeks ago," he said it, and it was enough to make Jimin's hopes crash. to him if she was dead and had a grave it was easier to bring her back to life than her to be kidnapped. now he knows nothing about her wellbeing, her whereabouts and her destiny at all.. then how could he help?

"they threatened me to not tell anyone, or else they'll kill her-" he spoke looking at the drawer of his office desk where he put the note threats left by her kidnappers.

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