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WARNING: Unedited

"It's only four now so we have an hour before dinner. Do you want to do anything in particular?"You asked sitting down on your bed. You had two mugs of tea, one of them you handed to Hoseok. You scooted to the back of the bed and pressed your back against your headboard.

"How about we get to know eachother a little better. I mean we did just have sex and plus we are supposed to be friends."He said calmly sipping his tea. You had decided to just make green tea. Everyone seemed to like it here so it's not a choice you could go wrong with. Unless, there was that slim chance that he didn't like it.

"Ok. Well what's your favorite color?"You asked shyly looking down into your tea. Immediately he burst out into laughter.

Why did you ask that question of all the questions you could've asked?

"Green. Why did you have sex with me? You would've stayed at school with just the nudes."He said sipping his tea.

"I wanted to cancel out any possible chance of being hurt again."You muttered quietly. For several minutes he didn't say anything. You were scared. What if you gave too serious of an answer?

"Who hurt you?"He asked seriously after a few more minutes.

"Everyone."You said numbly.

"We won't let that happen again. The boys and I will protect you I promise."He said seriously placing his tea on the night stand. You looked at it and let yourself space out a little. The tea mug was empty.

Just like you.

"What's the scariest thing you've ever done for money?"You asked changing the topic. You didn't want to think of those times. You were supposed to be a new person. A different person.

"The scariest thing I have ever done was take on the account."He said scratching the back of his head.

"Why and how did you manage to do that?"You asked sitting up and putting your mug aside. It wasn't empty but you didn't want it anymore.

"Well I got the account because of an old buddy of mine passed it down to me. Once you graduate you give it up. He gave it to me when I was a freshmen and now that I'm a senior I have to figure out who to pass it to. I already know who it's going to be. As to why I accepted it was I was a fuck boy to begin with."He said calmly.

"Who are you going to pass it to?"You asked leaning a little closer to him.

"I'm going to pass it to-"He was saying but then got cut off.

"Y/n! Time for dinner! I got your text about your friend eating, bring him down!" She shouted. Quickly without saying anything you both got up and went to your kitchen. Your Mom had set the table and was waiting in her seat. On the table was Yakisoba and rice.

"Hello my name is Jung Hoseok. It's nice to meet you."He said bowing to her.

"Nice to meet you too. Just call me Y/n's Mom."She said with a smile. "Y/n it's nice to see your making friends."She said cheerily.

"When did you get back from tea?" You asked sitting down at the table.

"I didn't go out for tea today."Your Mother said making both you and Hoseok choke on your food.

"Then where were you?"You asked. You were extremely nervous.

"I went to see a movie today instead. My friend wasn't feeling so well."She said happily. Immediately both you and Hoseok relaxed. For the rest of the meal you chatted lightly over the goodness of the food and how you and Hoseok met.


"How was it? Was his cock huge?"Namjoon asked nudging you hard in the ribs. You were on your way to pick up Minnie.

"Shut up!"You said punching him in the arm. "That is something for you to find out yourself. And it was nice I guess..."You said.

"Did he have fun? Do I need to punch him for being rude?" He asked as you two stepped up to Minnie's door.

"He wasn't rude. Now shh." You said as you raised your hand to knock on the door.

Shortly after Minnie ripped the door open as flew into your arms.

"I WUB U!"She said in a baby voice snuggling her face into your bewbs.

"I love you too Minnie." You chuckled petting her hair. "Now lets get going." You said softly. She pushed herself off you and quickly took your hand.

"SCHOOL HERE WE COME!" She giggled loudly pulling you forward but then stopping abruptly next to Namjoon. Suddenly she took his hand in her free one. "WOOOOO!"she shouted pulling you guys and running off as fast as she could trailing y'all behind her.

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