409 12 4

Lee Min
Age: 17
Has special needs
Ms.Min fluctuates between being her age and thinking she is a very small age. She goes into what is called little space. In little space she is basically a small child, you are to be friend her.

She is going to follow you around to all of your classes. She is very quiet due to shyness but her caretaker knows your Mother which is why you where assigned this task. Don't by any means be mean to her or get her into trouble.

This process will be starting tomorrow morning. When she arrives you and I will briefly go over some special rules. Do not fail this girl or there will be consequences.

Your read this all carefully doing your best to not miss a single detail. Where you really up to this task? With a sigh you set the folder aside and got prepared to pay attention to your next class.


Desperately you kept checking your phone to see if Namjoon finally responded. It was lunch time and you where finally going to meet his friends.
Hurriedly you opened your phone.
    I'll meet you there stay where you are.
    Also sorry for the late reply got caught up with class.
    Whatever, you better get over here fast I don't like awkwardly standing around the halls like this.
    Almost there

Sighing you put your phone in the waistline of skirt and waited for Namjoon to come pick you up. As you waited you watched and observed as everyone around you seemed to stare at you and whisper. You hoped to catch those whispers but they where always far too quiet for your straining ears to hear. 

Suddenly your ears finally caught something as someone walked by too close to you.

"Do you think the newbie will get on the account?"The person said walking by. 

What on earth is this damn account??!!  

You thought impatiently. Just then Namjoon appeared before you with an outstretched hand.

"Ready to go meet everyone?"He questioned you with a smile. Not being able to keep one off of your face as well you smiled and took his hand.

"As ready as I'll ever be. Oh and I can't wait to meet this Jin you have a crush on!"You said nudging him, whispering the last bit. 

"Yah! Don't let on ok!"He shouted pulling you through the halls.

"Of course I won't tell silly!"You shouted defensively as he chuckled.

"Ok, now they are all single. But Jin is mine so don't go there love."He teased nudging you hard in the ribs.

"Shush!"You said poking his neck making him flinch. Finally you reached the cafeteria. It was full of noise and sadly for you many many stares. 

"Hey Namj-."You where going to say but he suddenly pulled you over to a back table.

"Guys meet Y/N!!"He shouted placing you in their view point. You literally froze as you realized that everyone before you was incredibly hot. Yes, Namjoon was hot but he was gay and you didn't see him that way anyway.

"Hello! Come have a seat!"A boy with black hair and sparkly eyes asked. Encouragingly Namjoon pushed you to sit between him and another boy but with blonde hair. 

"My name is Jeon Jungkook!"The boy said happily throwing an arm over your shoulder making you tense up slightly.

"Aish Jungkook, give her some space she doesn't know you."The blonde said removing his arm.

"Sorry about that, just a habit."He said shyly rubbing the back of his neck. 

"My name is Jin by the way, this is Taehyung, Yoongi, Jimin, and Hoseok."He said pointing out the rest of the boys. Across from you Hoseok smiled and gave you a wave to which you returned. 

"Is this pretty girl going to really be eating with us from now on?"Jimin asked Namjoon as he sat down across from him. You covered your face with your hands blushing as you didn't know how you felt about his statement.

"Yes Jimin, now watch what you say lol. She can hear you."He said with a chuckle as he sat down between him and Hoseok stealing  some chips from him on the way down.

"Oh right.Sorry!"He exclaimed now covering his face. 

"Anyway now that we've accepted the newbie shouldn't we get to know her?"Hoseok asked.

"Yeah guys lets get to know Y/n"Namjoon said resting his head softly on his hands.

A/N: This chapter is unedited ignore any mistakes lol

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