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A/N: My sweet and tangy sugar buns!! I have a question for you! Some people have brought to my attention that i'm not writing books they want and I'm curious about what exactly it is that you want. Some people want smut books, others want a y/n character with a different ethnicity, and some want vampire books or mythical stuff. What is it that you want? 

I may or may not write them due to my own selfish desires but there still is the possibility that i'll write a book that you want if I feel I can actually write it. So please comment what you want at the little heart >3<



"Minnie these people are a little weird so stick close to me ok? If you need to go to the bathroom or your hungry or need something just tell me."You explained walking Min to school with you. Normally Namjoon would have walked with you both but he decided to give you guys some alone time.

"Got it! Can you tie my shoe? The laces don't want to be friends right now."Minnie pouted.

"Of course, but you have to hold this while I do it."You said handing the girl your coffee cup and stooping down to tie her shoe.

"What is this?"She asked curiously inspecting the cup.

"Coffee, you can have a sip if you want."You grunted struggling with the small laces. From the corner of your eye you saw Minnie start to take a sip. Suddenly she spat it out on the ground barely missing you.

"THAT'S AWFUL! WHY DO YOU DRINKS THAT?"She wailed as you stood up and took the cup from her.

"Well silly goose, I like it. It also gives me energy."You giggled patting her on the head.


"H-hi my name is M-Minnie."Min mumbled to the class as her greeting.

"Awe she's so cute!"Some random girl shouted.

"Do you want to sit next to me?"A boy shouted. Suddenly the room broke out in chatter. Apparently everyone either thought she was adorable or they wanted to do pervy things to her which made you angry.

"SILENCE!" The teacher suddenly shouted making everyone shut up. "If I hear another inappropriate comment you have detention. Now, Ms. Min is going to be sitting with Y/n and that is final."

As soon as the coast was clear Min ran to your desk and plopped onto the ground next to you. 

"Oh Minnie pull up that chair back there."You said softly. With a shy nod she quickly got up and got the chair.

"Sowee I didn't know I had too."She whispered loudly making you giggle.

"Now pay attention to the teacher Missy."You said firmly pointing to the front of the room were the teacher was about to start the lecture.


"YAH! MIN! Don't put that in your mouth!" You shouted pulling the sleeve of her sweater out of her mouth. 

"But I have the hungerssss."She whined rubbing her tummy.

"I know Min, and we are heading to lunch now."You groaned taking her hand and dragging her through the halls and into the lunch room. "Did your Mom pack you a lunch?"You asked curiously hoping you wouldn't have to go stand in the lunch line.

"YES! I forgotssss. She packed me a lunch!"She squealed in delight. "Can you feed it to me? I have a hard time holding the sticks."She grumbled making your heart ache from the cuteness.

"Of course, but first say hello!"You said happily suddenly placing her in front of the table of boys.

"YAH WHO'S THAT!" Jungkook shouted making you laugh. Min suddenly ran behind you and clutched to your shirt.

"This is Lee Min, she's been assigned to me. Here guys pass this around so you know her situation."You said sitting down and pulling out her file from your bag. Quickly Min sat down beside you as you passed her file to Namjoon on your left. Beside Min was Taehyung who enthusiastically waved at her.

"HI my name is Kim Taehyung it's nice to meet you! "Taehyung greeted her making her blush.

"T-Tah-Tae-Tayhwang"She stuttered.

"Um is she ok?"He asked looking around at everyone as their eyes got soft with understanding after reading the file. Finally the file was passed to Taehyung. After reading it his face lit up with understanding. "OH SORRY MIN!" He shouted startling her a little."You can call me Tae ok?"He said patting her on the head.

"Tae. T A E. TAE!" She shouted happily making Tae smile widely.

"Ok ok Min, get your lunch out and lets dig in!" You told her firmly. You where starving and couldn't wait to get eating. 

You desperately wanted to confront Hoseok about the scandalous account but seeing as Min was in little space it didn't seem like such a good plan.


"Y/n he wants your number."Namjoon told me with a worried look. Minnie fell asleep in class and he was kind enough to carry her home with you.

"Hoseok?"You asked a little startled.

"Yes, Hobi hyung says he has something to talk to you about. Can I give him your number?"He asked softly.

"Namjoon, is this about the account thing. You know how I feel about it." You mumbled. 

"Unfortunately I believe it is the account. I'm worried for you y/n. You don't have to do it if you don't want to."He said.

"Yes, I do have to.If I don't I'm going to get bullied again. Don't you remember what happened?"You shouted slightly.

"Sorry, well if you need someone to talk to or vent to I'm always here. Oh and I have kinda big news!"He giggled suddenly changing the topic on you.

"Hmm?"You hummed slightly annoyed at him for switching topics.

"Well I got Jin's number finally and we are now texting regularly!"He giggled excitedly. The look on his face was so pure and filled with excitement you lost you anger.

"WOW that's great! What pushed you to finally do it?"You asked questioningly. 

"Well truthfully."He sighed shifting Min in his arms." I only got his number because we have a project to work on together. BUT we are talking about other things that aren't related to the project!"He said defensively making you chuckle.

"Of course."You giggled walking up to Min's door with Namjoon and dropping her off. 

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