The Fox, The Dog, and The Girl Part 1

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Diamonds POV

We continued walking ahead of the group. Without realizing it, we were soon out of sight of the others. Rin kept going on about all the things we were going to do. I turned around and realized how far we were from the group. Well... more like how far we were from Sesshomaru and Jaken. Gemini somehow managed to keep up with us, but it does make sense though, they did follow my great great grandmother for who knows how long.

"Gemini...what was my great great grandmother like?"

"Lady Seia? She was beautiful and kind and strong. Very strong. " Mimi had sparkles in her eyes as she continued on.

"Lady Diamond, now that I think about it, you look just like her." Gemi looked at me. I paused and gave him a confused look.

"I lo-"

" Well, would you look at that. Three demons and a human walking around the forest together." Someone said behind me. I quietly muttered some very un-lady like words under my breath as Gemini moved to cover Rin. I turned around to see who had spoken and met a pair of emerald eyes, red hair, and sun-kissed skin.

"Who are you?"

"My name is Nakasa dear, and i hope you don't mind, but i will be taking a bite out of that little girl?" He started to come at Rin, and as I moved to block him, I ended up staring at silky, long, silver hair.

"Lord Sesshomaru, you're here! That demon said he wanted to eat me. "

" Yea, but what I'm really after is right behind you." Nakasa said with a devilish grin. That's when I realized...he wanted me.

Sesshomaru's POV

What could he possibly want with Diamond? "That's a good question. Why don't you ask him?" Diamond said with a sarcastic tone. I looked at her over my shoulder, and I realized she was holding my arm with her claws digging into my armor.

"Don't worry, i won't let him get to either of you." I said.

"Thanks, that would actually make me feel a lot better if he wasn't after me or Rin." She replied. That's when she came out from behind me, drawing out this small circular sword. She said something which caused a flash of black light, and the next thing I knew Nakasa was coming at me but right when he was about to strike a large circle of a sword blocked both of our attacks. When I turned to look at the intruder who had interfered, the sword lifted and nearly hit Nakasa. "Meglathorium is quite beautiful, isn't she?" Diamond asked.

"If only it did you some justice love." Nakasa answered, landing gracefully with a smirk.

"Don't call me that." I could hear the venom drip from Diamonds tongue when she spoke to Nakasa. She took Meglathorium and threw it at Nakasa he dodged it and threw something to the ground. A thick, smelly fog came out of it. I turned to tell Rin to cover her nose, but she had already started to faint. I caught her, and my own vision started to become blurry. I watched as Diamond started to fall and was caught by Nakasa.

"I finally have the greatest prize of all, and it's all thanks to you, dog." I blinked, and they were gone. I tried to get up, but i was too weak to stand.

"Damn it"

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