Come Home Part 1

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Diamonds POV

After finishing my meal, we decided to leave the clearing. Sesshomaru was leading the way with Rin running happily around him. Jaken trailed behind the two, quietly complaining about Sesshomaru not caring about his land's safety. Gemini kept giving each other sideways glances every time Jaken opened his mouth, something that I found to be rather amusing.

As we continued on our way, I could hear rustling coming from the bushes around us. This wouldn't be such a big deal, except for the fact that I couldn't see any animals darting by. Then, a strange yet familiar chill ran through my whole body, causing me to stop and take a look around. However, I still couldn't see anything, and neither could I shake off this feeling that continued to run through me. I looked towards Sesshomaru to tell him what was going on, but as soon as my eyes landed on him, I could tell I wasn't the only one feeling it.

Sesshomaru's usual stoic face had a look of bewilderment on it. Jaken looked terrified, and Gemini was looking around as if they expected someone to pop out of the bushes at any moment. In fact, all four of them looked as if they were waiting for someone to come out. The only one who seemed unaffected was Rin. As she looked between the five of us, her face had confusion plastered all over it. 

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"Someone's here." I swiftly pulled out Meglathorium and whispered for it to enlarge while I got ready to fight.  Gemini started to look annoyed, but I planned on addressing that later.

"Whoever you are, show yourself!" I called out. A tall hooded figure stepped out from the trees behind Sesshomaru.

"I'd put that away if I were you young lady." I glared at the man ready to charge. However, Gemini stood in front of him with their arms outstretched. I looked between the two of them in disbelief, not knowing what to say or do. Gemi was the first to speak up.

"My lady, this is Takeo. He is Lady Seia's right-hand man. " I stared at the man, not really knowing how to process this bit of information. Takeo took a small step towards me and then bowed his head.

"It's a pleasure to finally be in the presence of the young lady." he then turned to Sesshomaru and bowed. "As well as the young lord of the western lands." Sesshomaru remained as stoic as ever. This, however, did not deter Takeo, who continued speaking.

"On behalf of my Master, I thank you for taking care of the young lady. However, it is time for her to return to her rightful place, and my Master has instructed me to bring her home. " Sesshomaru's face remained unchanged as Takeo made his way over to me.

"My Lady, please follow me, and I shall bring you home." I just stared at the man in front of me, trying to catch a glimpse of his face, but to no avail.

"First, I'm not following you anywhere." Mimi was about to protest, but I raised my hand successfully, silencing her. "I dont know who you or your master think you're dealing with, but I've only ever known one home. And I have no intentions of returning anytime soon." I could've sworn I heard a chuckle, but i brushed it off.

"You'll come home, eventually." And just as quickly as he had come, he disappeared in a cloud of stars. I looked at the others, and my eyes immediately fell on the sheepish looking twins.

"Gemini, I want answers." they looked at each other before Mimi looked to the ground, sheepishly playing with her fingers. Once again, it was Gemi who spoke up.

"It's not our place." I let out an exasperated sigh before shaking my head.

"Fine, dont tell me then." I walked past them and looked to Sesshomaru. "Let's keep moving."

We spent the rest of the day traveling in silence. By nightfall, we had made it to a riverbank. It was decided we would spend the night there. I couldn't help but feel resentment towards Gemini, who was doing whatever they could to get back into my good graces. I just couldn't believe that not only did they protect that man, but they also kept valuable information from me. That night, I struggled to fall asleep, but after spending some time counting stars and listening to the fire pop and crack, I was finally able to drift off to sleep.

Everything was black. I couldn't see my hands, and it was hard to breathe. All of a sudden everything was on fire and there was smoke everywhere. The fire burned hot and licked at my skin.

 "Ouch." I tried to move away from the flames, but they followed me and burned hotter. I looked around for an exit, but I couldn't see through all the smoke. "Hello?!" 

I tried calling out to someone, but my voice came out as a hoarse rasp. I felt tears start to fall, but they soon evaporated due to the heat. I sat down and curled myself into a ball, placing my head in my arms. I don't know how long I stayed like that, crying into my arms before I felt something cool touch them. I slowly looked up and saw a woman standing in front of me. I could barely see her face through the tears, but I could see that her presence had caused the flames to recede. "Who are you?" she smiled at me gently.

"I've waited a long time to see you again, little star."

"Little star?" her smile brightened.

"Chiaki has taken very good care of you,"

"My mother?" She looked at me with sadness.

"There is much you don't know. Seek me out, and I will tell you everything. " She started to fade away. I reached out to her.

"Wait, who are you? How do I find you?"

"Ask the silver dog." I was about to touch her sleeve when she burst into flames thoroughly, burning my arm. I cried out from the pain and pulled my arm to my chest. The fire roared around me and burned hotter than before. It continued to lick at my skin as fresh tears began to fall.

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